Chapter 75—Westland and Territory Choice

Wangdu Library!

Once again, I met the guard I had seen before. Luo Lin received the recommendation letter and immediately received the release treatment. The test recommendation link was not the responsibility of the other party.

After stepping into the library on a high step, rows of boundless bookshelves are filled with vision like a forest, giving people a sense of shock that is overwhelmed by books.


A book with a height of half a person and a cover with a blank scroll pattern, suddenly floating from the sky to the front of Luo Lin, and then issued a mechanical sound.

"Please show your eligibility!"

'The god of knowledge, Ogma's god? ', Luo Lin's heart flashed this thought, the blank scroll is the sacredness of knowledge, the recommendation letter is handed out without hesitation.

A soft force dismantled the envelope, and then the book floated in front of Luo Lin and then floated to one side. After speaking, it was said by mechanical means:

"Allow entry once, do not enter again after leaving, do not damage books, or immediately expel ! "

after saying floating library books and flew toward the sky.

In the quiet library, after spending some time, Rollin finally found what he was looking for.

[Norde Geography! ]

A very thick parchment he was taken out.

Yes, Luo Lin certainly saw the map of Noon, but that is a map of Noon after a hundred years, and the landform is far from this time.

Combat, plane fusion... natural disasters, these can make the terrain change, so the map can not be used as a reference for action.

Just like being wrapped up in the forest to talk about the town, who can expect to turn into a desert in a hundred years, too much to trust everything in memory, sooner or later, was pitted, which he realized early.

Time passed slowly, and Luo Lin looked at the map in front of the map and in his mind.

After comparing the two maps, he found that the area of ​​Noond was not only several times larger after a hundred years, but many countries and forces will disappear, and the landform is like the dough being pinched again.

"Fortunately, come to the king first!" At this time, he was very fortunate that he came to the king first, or he would be remembered in his mind. Once he chose what would change the kingdom or the city, he would not know. How did it die?

Eventually, he stopped the map before turning to one of the regional introductions.


This is located in the west of Comil, after crossing the Stormhorn Mountain Range, directly to the deep-water city at the western end of Noond, the ancient and desolate area between the two, the size of this area is at least a few Ten times more.

For thousands of years, countless kingdoms have tried to conquer this vast land of endless grasslands, cannibal swamps, wilderness, rolling hills, wilderness, and inaccessible forests, which in the end will only leave countless fortresses and treasures for future rulers.

Countless by the high walls surrounding the towns by ethnic division of territory, agricultural towns, monasteries, strong fortresses and military forces, as well as ubiquitous monsters, is the real master of this land.

And Luo Lin looked through the memory, looking at the center of the West, the huge canyon that just cut the West.

Death Canyon!

This is a legend where the gods fight to leave the canyon, even the narrowest point is a few hundred meters wide and nearly a few hundred kilometers long.

In the deep, no one knows, even flying creatures from above will be dragged into the depths of the canyon by mysterious forces. Even the dragons of the sky hegemons are no exception. Even the omniscient gods are too ignorant of this canyon. Never give up a metaphor about the canyon.

If you want to cross the canyon, you can only walk around this hundreds of kilometers of canyons. It takes at least a few months for such a long distance, and it must pass through countless monsters and power territory. It can be said that it is definitely a road to death.

The reason why Luo Lin pays attention to the death canyon is naturally because he found that no matter whether it is still a hundred years or so, the only thing that has not changed, or the change is so small that he can't see it is here, and the western soil is very desolate, but the resources are very rich, even There are players who have made this pass and no one has ever played through Scorpio.

Once the death gorge is opened, the status will be irrelevant from now on, and it will become an important golden key.

With this in mind, the player who broke through the power of Tianzhu, firmly occupied the first place in the player's power rankings, until the player's large batch of retreats is the first major force.

At the beginning, how did the other party get through the Scorpio process, and sent detailed videos and strategies to the forum, causing a lot of players to discuss and envy, and Luo Lin naturally saw it, naturally understand how the other party got through the Scorpio.

Such a person does not have to worry about natural disasters, has great potential for development, and is far away from the major forces. How can he not attract Luo Lin's attention? He can guarantee that in the next turbulent year, the churches and kingdoms will have a whirlpool that will never be affected. This is a desolate area full of monsters.

After quietly putting the map into his mind, Luo Lin closed the book and put it back on the bookshelf. At this time, he already knew where to go next, and spent the next turbulent year as the beginning of the dark age.

Yes, he will take his family to the Death Valley.

There may be hardships in life, at least not to be affected by the whirlpool of war, where you can build your own territory, have the power to protect your family and survive in the dark ages, and also bring you back from the devil's claws. capital.

After making up his mind, Luo Lin continued to walk in the library, constantly reading some information about the major kingdoms, various monsters, and various planes.

These things may only be protected by such a god of knowledge. It is only after a large number of scholars have established a library. It is a pity that after the loss of the sanctuary of this kind of place, it will become the fate of the major forces. Scholars have no power to protect this knowledge.

A few hours passed quickly, and when the library lit up the magic lights, Luo Lin was satisfied to get out of the library.

This harvest made him know a lot about Nond's at this time, at least not even those kingdoms do not know this situation.

Looking up at the silver moon in the night sky, today the moonlight is a little brighter than yesterday.

Stepping toward Xicheng District, Luo Lin wants to go first to see what the female elf is saying. If it is too difficult, it is necessary to prepare for the run. At the same time, it is also agreed with the guards to meet there. I hope I won't be too late.

Walking quickly, I quickly rushed to the meeting place.

A small square in the intersection of Xicheng District and Beicheng District.

"Luo Lin adults!", with a short hair, is also a member of the guard of the old Muller scorpion came over.

Not far from the standing three dressed in casual clothes, with members of the weapons escort, they surrounded the two small boxes alert around, armor is too conspicuous to wait for the place, so did not wear.

"Trouble you!", Luo Lin really thanked.

Although I helped them, I was more helpful to myself, and it was not the first time to trouble them, but they did not want to decide to help after hearing their request. It is indeed worthy of thanks.

Old Muller didn't come because it was necessary to protect the rest of the hotel and to be able to come to the small escorts. It was far beyond what Rawin expected.

"For the generals of Luo Lin, this is what we should do!".

The other party's answer made Luo Lin frown and understood that the reason why the other side has been helping himself is entirely because of the influence of the wood belt. Phil law is not the reason why his personality is too high.


He took the lead and walked forward.

He Jia Xiaobing said that the

evil magician uses holy water, its own low level, the use of holy water is the lowest concentration, then there is some tingling, but the impact is not big, the evil level is high, or the holy water concentration is high.