The Necromancer

At this time, Rowling faced a choice.

Is it desperate to attack or temporarily retreat?

He has already woke up from seeing the five-ring spell of fossilized stone, and doubted the strength of the necromancer outside.

From the breath of the other side, as well as wearing a green robe representing the Death spell, the other party may be a wizard specializing in Necromancer spells.

This caster has another title, 'The Necromancer',

and a Necromancer uses the Necromancer spells to reduce the magical cost, but at the same time learning and using other faction spells is more difficult, and some factions can't even be used.

The fossil is just a change system spell. Although it is used by the other party, it does not mean that it is the ability of the other party. After all, for the caster, wanting to use the spell may not be used by itself, the staff, the odd thing, the scroll... Can do it.

Luo Lin's mind was quickly analyzed and there was a decision soon.

"Cut the cloth and cover your mouth and nose to alleviate the impact. Everyone is attacking!"

He gave the order ruthlessly.

Opportunities are too rare. In addition to the fact that the opponent has one more caster with the least black iron rank, the other aspects are dominated by them and the chances of winning are great.

In particular, he passed Famer, and he heard that he would attack first and then attack, and after the signal was sent, Swyne would lead the Knights to support at the fastest speed. escape.

After hearing the order, everyone silently cut a piece of clothing from the uniform on his body to block the nose and mouth. Although it was not completely isolated, it could alleviate some, plus the front and rear doors and gaps opened by the warehouse. It is rapidly weakening.

Only when they attack again, the remaining enemies have regrouped and placed a semicircle between them and the gap.

And those who are tied up are threatening to go outside with a sharp edge. The slower movement is a sword. There is no softness at all, and several bodies on the ground are people who want to delay time.

Endure the environment!

God grace!

Enchanted weapon!

Power of the cow!

One by one, the magical skills are used from the Templars. They will use the heavy armor of the gods. Although the black iron steps will only be one ring, the silver steps will only be two rings of magic, the third order of the golden steps, the holy force or the divine power. The number is also very poor, but it is good to use magic.

A touch of golden radiance appears on these paladins, making them like the legendary spirit.

If you don't use the magical state, the Paladin's combat power is not like the rank warrior, but once you add the magical spell, it will explode a terrible combat power, especially when fighting against evil creatures, a large number of restrained spells bless, it can be easily Rolling the same level of evil creatures.

And from the back door to kill, the 15 knights led by Farmer were not to be outdone, all of them broke out and launched an offensive.

These knights are not weak, so they can continue to use the vindictive battle, but Luo Lin is only LV2 because of breathing, the number of vindictiveness is only 14 points, the blessing state lasts for 14 seconds, if it is at the same time blessing himself and the weapon If you can only last for 7 seconds at most, you can only rush to the front.

The +200

is very abrupt, and when Rolin rushed forward, the number flashed on the retina.

'Is it true that killing humans also gains experience? '

This thought poured into my mind. He didn't even want to know that it was a dark whistle outside. The other side was so badly injured. It was because the body quality was more than ordinary people. The blood was finally dead for so long.

What surprised him was that killing humans also had experience points, which is completely different from the sword of the soul.

Before he killed Gelman to gain experience, it was because the other party was a 'demon' rather than a human being. It was the first time that 'human killing' humans. This is the first time that Ryan was just stumping each other and doing it. It is a beast, but you can't talk about 'hands', so this is the first time to kill humans.

Surprise in my mind, immediately after Luo Lin's mind, if it is an enemy, he will naturally not be soft, but if it is not an enemy, he will not kill because of the experience of killing human beings.

The sound of weapon handover continued to ring.

Both sides know that this is a crucial moment, but no one will be merciless, and the six disciplinary knights who hold a lot of magical skills will fall into the line of defense like a sharp blade, and the 15 knights led by Farmer will follow the impact. Let the other line of defense falter.

Unfortunately, because they have to dress up to confuse each other, they are all replaced with Knight uniforms. Otherwise, if they are fully armed, they will teach each other in minutes to know what equipment is crushing. Heavy armor can ignore ordinary attacks. Break through and just hit it in.

Seeing that he has the absolute upper hand, Luo Lin is not happy, because the biggest trouble has not yet been shot.

At this time, he is betting, the gambling opponent can not be behind the big BOSS, although through various details have been judged, but this is the real world after all, unlike in the game, as long as the last moment, behind the scenes big BOSS is absolutely impossible Hands-on.

Claw of the bones!

A spell that made Rollin very strange.

Two huge white bones stick out from the corpse of the warehouse, like the grip of the two palms, and the four fighting forces are forced to punish the knights together, and even let people hear the broken bones.

The steel-hard claws of the bones are completely afraid of the sword attack. Even if others continue to try to smash with weapons, they can create a little gap on top of them, which will not help.

'Self-creating dead spirits spells, look at the power should be three rings, it really is the silver level caster, just do not know the props, how much magic left? '

The number of Norn's spells is as large as the stars in the sky. Even if Luo Lin doesn't dare to say that he can recognize it, at most he can say a lot.

Because spells can be 'created'!

It's just terrible, so he didn't realize that he wasn't too surprised. He only determined the strength of the opponent through the power of the spell, and guessed how much equipment and residual magic there was on the opponent.

After the four disciplinary knights who blessed all kinds of magical skills, the team's propulsion momentum suddenly stagnate.

Only two disciplinary knights not only dared not to continue to advance, but also protected four companions who were held together by the giant claws of the bones. Fortunately, Famer immediately led the 15 knights to the scene when he saw the situation was not right. Otherwise, how could the two of them protect their companions?

At this moment of engagement, the people who were tied in the warehouse had left through the gap.


After joining the battlefield, Luo Lin whispered to Fammer and then directly took out the flash.

With his black iron-level combat power, fighting in this number and level does not make much difference, so he is very clear about his position, that is, to solve the silver-level necromancer, as long as the other side is resolved, the battle will definitely be their victory. .

As a player who does not know how many necromancers have played, his strength disappears after crossing, but the visible knowledge has not disappeared, so he is sure to solve the other.

Only a few light lanterns illuminate the dark warehouse, and a round of white gold sun blasts, making people close their eyes.

The average person has a high chance of flashing. For those who have the strength of black iron or silver, even if they don't hear the spell name, they can react before the spell breaks out.

And close your eyes, for these combat experienced soldiers, you can also fight with your ears in the face of attack.

"Offensive!", Farmer's command sounds at the same time as the platinum light bursts.

This is what Rolin has just told him to command the offense after the flash has appeared.

Although he is very puzzled by this order, he has no objection. This is because under the leadership of the other party, they have seized the tail of the missing person and showed the ability of Luo Lin. Otherwise, if he just took over the team, he would not be so obedient. .

The rest of the people are even more puzzled. The order is the order. It will not be executed because it is not understood. Therefore, except for the two disciplinary knights who are still not moving, they still protect the four companions, and all others are rushing upwards. The enemy in front launched an attack.

The battle is more intense with the explosion of the flash, but at this time both sides do not have to worry about accidentally hurting those who are tied.