Six Feet Under The Ground

Stella woke up the next morning with an empty space beside her. She groggily opened her eyes, giving them time to adjust to the light that was seeping through the net curtains which were drawn together, diminishing it's intensity. 

Stretching her hands in the air, she tried to stifle a yawn which still made its way through her lips. Her eyes moved to the spot beside her, only to find that he wasn't next to her. She pouted as her eyebrows furrowed in a deep frown.

She dragged her body unwillingly to the bathroom, but Adam wasn't there as well. 

"May be he went downstairs." She muttered under her breath, scratching the back of her head.

After her morning shower, she headed to the dining room with a jump in her step, but didn't find him here. The maid brought her breakfast and placed it down on the table.