Workout Time

"What are you wearing?" Adam asked her with parched throat. 

"My sportswear. This is what Lillian sent me. A bunch of these in different colors." Stella replied pointing to her clothes. 

Adam heaved out a long frustrated sigh. He was starting to pity himself. 'It's not going to be easy.'

"Come here. We will start with some warm ups so that your muscles won't hurt that much later on." He added.

Adam taught her some light exercises since it was her first day. He would raise the difficulty slowly, day by day. He just couldn't see her overexerting herself.

Adam had removed his shirt and was only wearing his sweatpants now. He had a habit of doing this while he exercised. He was having a hard time controlling himself as his mind kept drifting to Stella. For him, her body was no less than a fine piece of art. Her delicate, snow white skin glowed under the dim. He tried to divert his attention by looking somewhere else. But it didn't help him out.