My New Favorite Flavor

*WARNING! This chapter is in continuation with the last one and contains mature content. Read at your own risk*

Adam felt his breathing stop at the heavenly sight before him. He gazed at the alluring figure under him with his darkened eyes and his pupils dilated. 

Feeling his burning gaze on herself, Stella tried to cover her chest with her hands. But before she could, his hands got hold of hers and pinned them down on the mattress on either side of her.

"Don't hide from me." Adam spoke up in a deep voice. 

Listening to his deep melodious voice, a faint blush tinted her cheeks, making her look adorable. 

Adam leaned his face in, bringing his lips close to her neck. "You can stop me whenever you want to." 

After speaking those words against her fair skin, he latched his lips on her sensitive spot and began sucking on the soft skin.

After making sure he had left a mark on her neck, he moved his lips down to her clavicle and then to her cleavage, leaving kisses along the way.