You Shouldn't Have Done That

The peaceful atmosphere between the four of them was interrupted as a man's voice approached their ears.

"It's good to see you again Miss Stella."

The four of them turned around in the direction where the voice had come from. 

Taylor stepped towards them with slow and steady steps. The plain black coat and dress pants, though didn't exactly made her stand out in the crowd but didn't turn down his charismatic aura by one bit. The silk button-down maroon shirt, which was peeping out in between the lapels of his coat, stood out against the little amount his exposed fair skin as he had undone the first two buttons of the shirt.

"Mr. Taylor, I didn't expect to see you hear." It was Adam who spoke up first.

"I was getting bored and didn't have anything else to do. So I decided to show up here for a while. The invite was resting on my study desk anyways." Taylor replied leisurely as he came to a stop, standing next to Adam.