Wakey Wakey Princess

Stella fluttered her eyelashes as the bright sun rays hit her face. She pulled the duvet up to cover her face. But not even a minute had passed when someone tugged at the duvet, moving it down to her neck. She groaned and tried to pull it up again as the bright light was hurting her eyes and disturbing her beauty sleep, but to her dismay the duvet refused to move up, no matter how hard she tried to pull it up. 

"Wakey wakey princess." A deep mellow voice entered her ears. 

"Ughh! Let me sleep Adam." 

"You need to get something in your body, it's almost noon." Adam replied as he tugged at the duvet again.

"What is wrong with you?" Stella finally sat up and threw a glare at him. "Who's fault I that I am still sleeping? Who was the one who kept me up all night?" 

"Who was the one asking for more?" Adam gave her a lop-sided grin. 

"YOU!!" Stella clenched her jaw before picking up a pillow and jumped at him.