Cold Shoulder

Stella was pacing back and forth in front of the entrance of the mansion. She was expecting to get an earful of scolding from Adam on arriving. But nothing of the sort happened. In fact, Adam was not even at home. She even asked Uncle Rob about him but even the old butler didn't have any idea about his whereabouts. He just saw him leaving when he was going towards the servants' quarters. And by the look on his face, he seemed really angry. 

After knowing about that, Stella felt restless. She wasn't worried about him at the moment. What troubled her was the fact that he was angry when he left. 

'An angry Adam is definitely a good thing for me.' She thought inwardly as she was almost on the verge of crying. 

She heard a low chuckle which made her turn her head towards the source. Edward was leaning against his parked car, looking at her with an amused expression. 

"Why are you laughing?" Stella narrowed her eyes and asked him.