Mac And Cheese

"I know, I am not looking for left over food. I am looking for ingredients. And stop with the pouting." He added without turning back. 

"Why would you be looking for ingredients?" She asked him with a confused expression. 

"Since there is no left over food, I will fix something up for you to eat." He replied while taking out a couple of jars and boxes from the refrigerator and placed them on the counter before her. 

"You can cook?" Stella looked at him skeptically. 

Adam hummed in response, slightly nodding his head at the same time. 

"On a scale of one to ten, how good you are at it?" She asked him, giving him a questioning look. 

"I would say a 9.5." Adam replied after thinking for a while. 

"Damn! I am hardly a 6." She added as she furrowed her delicate eyebrows. 'Was there anything this man wasn't good at?' She questioned herself even though she knew that the answer to that question would be a big no, in bold and capital letters.