Logical Explanation

"Oh! No, no. You aren't disturbing me at all." Adam replied to her when apologised to him for troubling him. 

A couple of eyes shifted to him when his words made into their ears and their brand registered his sentence. The same thought was echoing in their minds but no one could gather the courage to voice it out. 'Yeah, yeah! You aren't disturbing him at all Ma'am, or us for the record.' 

As if sending their piercing gaze on him, Adam passed them a look, quietly hinting them to get on with the work assigned to them and stop dilly-dallying. Understanding his unsaid words, they shifted their eyes away from him, busying themselves in their own work. 

"I am listening, sweetheart. You carry on." He replied to her when she questioned him for being so quiet. 

"I am not doing much right now. We were just having a small meeting." He added.