I Don't Care

"I am so sorry. Let me get it for you." The man spoke up politely as he offered her his help and bent down to pick the white envelope from the tiled floor. 

Stella, who was about to apologise for her absent mindedness, found the words stuck at the back of her throat after hearing the familiar voice. 

She internally cursed herself for being so forgetful. How could she forget that her dear brother-in-law was a doctor in the same hospital. She stood rooted to the ground as she continued to curse herself internally. "There you go, Miss." Wilson's voice brought her out of her thoughts, causing her to shift her eyes from the top of his head to the white envelope.

She was about to take the envelope from his hand and head out of the hospital without even uttering her thanks, but his voice stopped her from doing so. 

"Stella?" Wilson looked at the lady before her in confusion as he furrowed his eyebrows.