You Are So Insensible

Stella hummed lightly before shifting her gaze away from his figure. "I need you to deliver a document to a place, and it is important that you do it within an hour. Actually it's fifteen minutes less than that." She corrected herself as she realized that they have wasted fifteen minutes inside the elevator.

"But don't you like… live in one of those secluded areas, away from the main city. Reaching there will take around an hour or so because of the traffic." David furrowed his brows as he questioned her. 

"No, it won't take us that long." Stella replied to him, keeping her words minimum. 

David just shrugged at her words and decided to stay quiet but his mind was working in overdrive mode. 'How could they arrive there in time? Especially during the rush hours.' 

"Come-on, you can sit in the front." Stella ordered him politely as soon as her car pulled up before the entrance. She began to walk towards it without waiting for him and got inside.