All In The Span Of One Day

Just as he was leaving the room after picking up the brown envelope, Stella stopped him. "I will see you out." She spoke up as she tried to move her foot and get down from the bed. She was just trying to act a bit nice towards him since he had helped her out so much. But who knew that the man would end up scolding her in return for her kind gesture. 

"What are trying to do now? Break your leg? I could help you with that if you want it to happen that much?" 

"What's wrong with you? I was just trying to be nice to you." Stella pursed her lips in a pout.

"I don't need your help, Ma'am. I can walk myself out. You just continue to sit on your throne." He added, his voice dripping with sarcasm as he pointed towards her bed. 

"But…" Stella tried to make him understand her point only to be interrupted by the man.