Drink Of Choice

"Y-you… you…" Stella tried to think of a retort but couldn't do so. She was fuming with rage. If it was possible in real life, then one could have seen steam blowing off from her ears and nose. How dare this man say something so terrible about her? 

"You think you are any smarter than me?" Stella glared at him. "And breaking news, you can't resign from the job for the next three years, you moron. If only you could have bothered yourself to read the contract you signed, you would have known." 

David twisted his lips to show his distaste after hearing her response. "There's really no way?" He let out a grunt. 

"There's one, I can fire you." Stella smiled at him.

"Oh! Really?" His lips curled up in a smile as he began to ponder over the idea of being fired. "So, will you fire me? Pretty please?" He added, blinking his eyes a couple of times innocently.