I Am Going To Be A Daddy

Adam hummed in response. "You are right. I can help you out as your personal assistant since my identity is no longer a secret from you. You won't have to do this...." He trailed off as his mind registered her words from earlier. 

After two minutes of absolute silence, he finally opened his mouth. "What did you just say?" He questioned her, his voice so slow that he could barely hear it himself. 

Stell frowned after hearing his words. She began to go through her own words from earlier and realized what she had spoken up in her flushed state. 

She indeed wanted to shift the topic to something else instead of being in the spotlight, but it looked like she would always end up right there as long as the other person was Adam. She knew all too well that for him, she would always be the center of attention. His world started and ended with her. In short, it revolved around her.