My Little Vixen [R-18]

*WARNING! The chapter contains R-18 content. You guys know the drill.*

Adam gulped down a mouthful of saliva as he tried to drench his dry throat, but it seemed to be of no help in quenching his thirst. His gaze darkened as he continued to gaze in between her slightly parted legs. He wanted his eyes to be blessed by the sight of her wet, pink folds. But to his dismay, what waited for his eyes was a black lacy underwear with a wet spot in its center. 

Even though the thin lacy net didn't leave much for his imagination, he still hated it's presence there. With his darkened gaze set on his woman, he slowly walked up to the bed. His steps came to a stop when he was standing right before her. Getting down on his right knee, he rested both his hands on her either of her knees. Using a little amount of force, he parted her legs apart as he kept his eyes fixed on her flushed face.