Unfortunate Day (1)

"Pretty please." He blinked his eyes a couple of times as he tried to sound more pitiful. 

Letting out an annoyed groan, she decided to agree with her big baby, for now. "Okay! But this doesn't mean that I am not mad at you anymore."

"Okay." Adam happily replied to her, letting her drag him to the bed. He would feel much better after having her in his arms. Moreover, she wouldn't be able to stay mad at him for long anyways, so he was okay with her pretense as long as he could hold her in his arms. 

After a couple of minutes, the couple was snuggling with each other, more like it was Stella who was snuggling close to him whilst she used his left arm as her pillow. 

"Are you feeling any better?" She asked him as she gazed up at his face. She saw his chin moving slightly up and down as he gave her a nod in response. "Adam!" She called out softly, but the man next to her wasn't a fool to turn a deaf ear to the underlying warning.