Scaredy Cat

"What's wrong with you?" Stella questioned the man standing next to her with a troubled expression marring his face. The moment the duo had arrived at the place, he had been acting weird, refusing to step out of the car. 

"It's not a good idea. I think you should just go and meet him on your own. I will just wait for you in the car." •Adam• answered her, keeping his eyes set on the mansion before them. He knew that he was going to get a good scolding by the old man the very moment he would step inside. But that wasn't what troubled him more.

"Don't tell me that you are scared of being scolded by Uncle Rob?" She teased him a little while poking his shoulder with her index finger. It didn't need a genius to guess what was going on in his mind. "How old are you? Two?" She added with a lop-sided grin.