I Give You Twenty-Four Hours

"I don't think she'd want that. And it will only happen if I let you take her."

The firm and crisp voice resonated through the quietness of the cabin. 

"In no way, I will let myself do that. My dear wife will have my head on a platter for her next meal if the words even leave my mouth mistakenly." He continued after getting the attention of the trip. 

"Y-you?" Taylor mutters under his breath, his voice barely a whisper, as he stared at the familiar figure of the man. "H-how? How are… you a-alive?" He stuttered through his words. 

He stared at the man, who was no longer in disguise, with his eyes popping out of their sockets, not accepting the fact that the person he had gotten rid of, was back. And not only was he back, he was standing right before him.