That was a signal it seems for them to get going. By them, she meant Taiga and her. Setsura felt bad about troubling him over a place to stay. But, with the way things are now. Setsura knew she couldn't stay at home or go to her future in-law's place. The 'Kaname' family appears to have some influence. While they will most likely try to go to her friend's place - she knew she would be safe with Taiga. He lived in a small apartment by himself, but Setsura knew he was just as rich as her. She never asked him why he chose to live this type of lifestyle.
'Every family has their secrets.' She saw how his family acted in public, and understood something. She isn't the only one with family issues.
"Sorry about the mess," Taiga commented as she slumped on the bed. "H—hey, I should change the sheets."
"I'm tired; let me sleep."
Taiga ran his hands through his hair, awkwardly, "You really careless…."