Chauncey quickly learned not to mention it in front of him. It can't be a coincidence can it? He sighs deeply, that's the fifth night in a row he could not sleep properly. Although Junie only appeared in his dream this morning. It felt like the dreams prior was getting him ready for today.
Feeling a sudden warmth on his forehead his eyes went wide and found the hand belonged to Ran.
"You have a mild fever. I knew I should have taken over your job the other day," she sighed.
"I'm feverish?" Chauncey repeated. He hadn't noticed it at all but since she is saying so, it's most likely to be true. He doesn't remember when the last time he got sick was.
Chauncey nodded as a response.
"It'll probably get worst if you don't rest. Akito, where is my bag?"
He weakly turned his head, and saw Akito there. His friend looked at him with a concerned look on his face, and yet Chauncey felt a ominous air surrounding him.