The hut

Behind the church was erected a small hut where the white man closed his eyes at night. She had never been there. But today without regard to the sun she took slow steps to the hut.

As she walked she wondered why he didn't speak. Was he disappointed in her? He had told her that if a man climbed her then she had sinned. Did he Think that Nwere had climbed her moreso in the church. Did she want that? Was she ready to let this man tame her with his God?" She shut her eyes tightly, her thoughts drained her as always.

She was just about to knock when the bamboo door opened. Her presence must have been sensed.

"Ugo. Come in." Father Cletus whispered.

She did not look up at him as she did. The hut smelt of him. She knew that scent all too well. It was the same one he pressed on her the first time she swept. Her red wrapper still held the memory.

"Nwere is my friend. I was preaching to him. Pulling him to the kingdom." She started to speak eager to justify what needed not to be justified.

"I see," Father Cletus hummed. "Evangelization. So what did you preach to him about?"

Ugomma found it hard to breathe. She looked at his side and tried to escape an escape she didn't want to make. It was like each word he spoke took with it air from her lungs. But the door was closed and she was trapped.

"Jesus! I told him about Jesus." She blurted out hurriedly.

"What about him?" He interjected giving no room for her lungs to fight back.

He was amazed by her. There was just something that was different about her, different from all the other girls in the village. He didn't know exactly what it was. Yes, their were other pretty girls around. It definitely was not her clay smooth skin and long immaculate face, no it wasn't, they were not unique. He could find beauty anywhere.

With her there was a pull. He couldn't place his hand on what it was about her that inclined him and trust me he tried to but failed woefully in each attempt.

It could be that it was because she was the first one who accepted him in the clan. She hid him, fought for him and protected him like a Queen would do for her king. He would think.

He was sure she was more than just another village girl. There was awareness in her eyes as if she knew something everyone else didn't. Like the dealings of the spiritual and the unknown was known to her.

"That he died for us on the cross. So we can be free." Ugomma slowly answered. She didn't tell him of the times she doubted the things he said. Like did the man on the cross bring freedom or chains?