Fang and Beauty

Only after a long time did Lu Liang body started to relax with him in a kneeling posture, hands cupped together as he spoke.

"I know you hate me for causing your death, I know you want revenge, and I know that no matter what I do I won't be able to atone. But please believe me I won't let your death be meaningless, you trade your life for mine so in return I will use my life to help others by creating a better world. A world of peace and prosperity."

Lu Liang can feel the surrounding aura ease up. Before Lu Liang knew it, his body flash again and now he was in the military camp training field. Here he can see himself training harder than anyone else.

'This should be when I first started my training with the masochist Tuong Liang.'

Seeing years' worth of events allow Lu Liang to have enlightenment in the silence of lake. The amazing thing is that only a few hours have pass ever since he entered meditation.

Soon Lu Liang open his eyes while mumbling.

"My life have been surrounded by Joy, pain, sorrow, and safety. Pain and sorrow took a good part of my heart due to so many lives that was sacrifice because of me but I have failed to see or feel it until now."

With a heavy heart Lu Liang concluded his training for the day while looking in a different direction as he think to himself "I should go visit them." Lu Liang didn't forget to visit the white mandarin tiger that he purchase from Ku Liang every day after practice. When the tigers first arrive at the manor it greatly startled his parents that almost cause the death of both tigers but after a long explanation and convincing, he manage to keep both the tigers alive.

Best news is that Lu Liang successfully imprinted the white mandarin tiger cub as it eyes open for the first time. When imprinted by a young beast as it eyes open for the first time mean that the beast take the individual as family and harming of one family will not be tolerated. If the mother white mandarin tiger kill Lu Liang now then its only offspring will surely take revenge once it grow up. For an intelligent creature like the white mandarin tiger, surely it won't let the situation fall to that stage.

This greatly rejuvenated Lu Liang because now he can start to use the cub to get close with the mother white mandarin tiger as well.

Although all his previously attempt to get close to the mother white mandarin tiger before the imprint between man and beast have been useless, he even got injured and felt the coldness of death a few times.

On his way to visit the pair of tigers, Lu Liang contemplated "Although the mother white mandarin tiger stop trying to kill me after seeing her child imprinted onto me, with her intelligence she could understand what that means. However, she still don't acknowledge me just yet."

"If I can't make her acknowledge me through strength since I'm still too young and lacking in power then I can only temporarily be shameless in my method of using the cub, then I can slowly bond with her afterwards in a more natural way.

The direction that Lu Liang going to is a habitat that he prepare specifically for the white mandarin tiger. The closer he get to the habitat, Lu Liang was able to hear the roars of a big tiger. In his excitement to see the white mandarin tiger Lu Liang couldn't help but speed up his step.

Once Lu Liang arrive at the habitat, he could see Fang resting in the corner while beauty in the opposite corner standing tall. Fang who is the baby white mandarin tiger that Lu Liang named while its mother was named beauty which is fitting for a female tiger.

"Fang!" Lu Liang call out with excitement.

Fang who was resting a moment ago raise its head and look toward Lu Liang then started to dash toward him, rubbing its head against his legs.

Gwrrr Gwrrr

"haha, good to see you to buddy." Lu Liang can't keep his laughter in when seeing Fang being so cute.

Turning to the other corner where beauty is standing Lu Liang ask with a smile "Beauty, how are you today?"

Beauty only look for a moment at her son and Lu Liang bonding before turning away completely. Lu Liang hesitated before walking a little closer with Fang in toll. This is the strategy, using Fang to get into beauty personal space.

One step, two step, three step, and four step...

As Lu Liang move closer with Fang next to him, his presence is becoming stronger and stronger to beauty. Feeling uncomfortable beauty let out a growl to warn Lu Liang that if he make further movement then she will attack.

Knowing not to push his luck, Lu Liang start to play with Fang in that area feeling rather happy because he made major improvement today, he took a whole ten steps today! Previously he was only able to go five single steps.

Just like that the day pass by late into the night but Laughter and beast roar can still be heard continuously.