News and Preparation

It already been a day since the battle was concluded in front of the Liang clan city gate and the cleanup of the battlefield was completed. Everyone was in great joy for being able to vent a long hidden anger towards the Pei Kingdom.

As for Lu Liang who is currently unconscious in bed, after he was carried back from the battlefield. All the best doctor was called to the lord manor to treat Lu Liang wounds and when the people heard that his life won't be in danger since the arrowhead miss his heart by two inches. This cause an even greater celebration to take place as everyone within the Liang clan was glad that the young lord will be fine.

However, in a different area of the Liang clan there are many that didn't have the luxury of celebrating the victory that they achieve although they are ecstatic about Lu Liang condition being on the safe side. Gao Liang and all the important figures within the Liang clan have a terrible expression because in front of them was two things.

One is the map of an entire region that is currently under the control of the Pei Kingdom including the area that the Liang clan currently reside in. While the other is a message from one of their spy, it is said on the message that the Pei Kingdom imperial army have gathered in Huju City which is about fifty miles from where the Liang clan territory is. Their number are about fifty thousand strong, fully equipped and about to march towards the Liang clan.

Looking at the map and the spy report Gao Liang said "it seems that they have plan this from the very beginning in secret. Otherwise, it is impossible to assemble an army this size so quickly in Huju city which is far away from the central military camp without us noticing."

Deep in thought Zhang Liang look at the map "then that mean the crown prince visit is to distract us and then send his best men to sabotage us, to make way for the imperial army!"

Pointing towards a location Tuong Liang also responded "Yes, if everything worked out for them then this location here would have fall immediately once the imperial army attack."

Everyone looking at where Tuong Liang pointed to and couldn't help but have their whole body shook intensely because that was the Liang pass! The Liang pass is the gateway into Liang clan heartland which have strong high walls with mountains on both sides and narrow path to further reinforcing the defense. The only way to attack this wall is from a frontal assault but the narrow path prevent huge armies from using their high numbers advantages.

If the pass was really sabotage and the imperial army suddenly attack then there's no way they can hold back the enemy. Sending out help at that time will also prove meaningless since the Liang clan city and the Liang pass was thirty miles away from each other.

That was also the reason why the crown prince and his entourage manage to escape after their despicable actions. News of what happen didn't reach the Liang clan warriors station at the pass because of the distance. Once they broke through the two thousand Pei Kingdom soldiers, a detachment was sent to go after the crown prince but when they get to the pass. The crown prince have already went through the gate and escape.

Listening to the conversation Gao Liang said "Luckily their plan was disrupted by Lu Liang and you brother Zhang. If you haven't attack and if Lu Liang didn't accept the wager then we would still be serving them right now just to get killed by them afterwards."

Sighing, Gao Liang continue "from the looks of things we have around five days to prepare for their arrival."

"Uncle Du, please check our inventory and prepare as much supplies as you can"

"Uncle Gu, please work with other craftsmen and blacksmith to prepare as many weapons, armor, and anti-siege equipment as possible. Also fix what we can since everything is needed in this war with the Pei Kingdom imperial army."

"Brother Tuong, please take Five thousand of your savage unit to the Liang pass and prepare them for the siege."

"Brother Zhang and sister Toa, please take three thousand Hercules unit and create a defense line behind the Liang pass. If the Pei Kingdom imperial army manage to break through then we will have to hold our ground there."

"Brother Xen, please take two thousand Liang infantry and see to it that a supply line is develop."

"Xao Liang, please take five thousand of your golden lotus unit and prepare the city as the last line of defense."

"I will take four thousand elite Liang infantry and my one thousand spear unit to reinforce the Liang pass at any given moment."

"Please set out immediately and prepare because the enemy won't give us time to breath."

Everyone "Understood!"