Second Day Of Battle

As Lu Liang and his group talk into the night…

Back at the Liang Pass, in the pitch darkness movements could be heard coming out of the gate with whispers flying from here and there.

"Hurry and burry those."

"Don't forget to spread them out evenly."

"Be sure to make them look like regular rocks so it won't grab the enemy attention."

By now Gao Liang have reach Liang Pass with his men to reinforce the wall and with them come more deadly surprises for the Pei Kingdom soldiers. After listening to Tuong Liang report Gao Liang knew right away that the enemy attack on the first day was simply to test them and a more fierce attack will come once the sun rises.

Knowing full well of what to come Gao Liang immediately ordered his men to start preparing under the cover of darkness. Night time in the Liang territory can be dangerous due to the fact that it is much darker than other places with the mountains and clouds covering the moonlight. However, as being the resident of the territory for generations. The Liang clan have adapted to the darkness with slightly better vision then others.

Thanks to their enhance vision the Liang clan warriors will do their best to welcome the Pei kingdom guests that will arrived in a few hours with utmost sincerity.

Just as the sun rises to start a new day, sounds of footstep resonated in unison at the front of the Pei Kingdom encampment with the artillery unit in between them and grunting sound of soldiers pushing siege towers forward. These siege towers are no ordinary one but a heavy assault towers fully reinforce with steel and on the top of these towers are shielded area for archers.

On the commanding tower Loi Pei along with his generals are overlooking the lineup of their men as he took another look at the report from their first battle before speaking "to think that the Liang clan can devastate the Fei unit to this degree. Now do you all know the consequences of underestimating the Liang clan?"

General Ma Jing: "my lord is indeed correct but then wouldn't sending more soldiers like this will further increase our casualties?"

General Re Ming: "that's right my lord, why don't we just continue to bombard the wall to damage the Liang clan vitality slowly? We might even destroy the wall during that time."

General Po Sing: "I agree as well since we have unlimited resources coming from the surrounding cities, it is only a matter of time before the Liang pass crumbles."

General Za Xuong: "it will be a long siege but at least we can save many soldiers."

Hearing the general's suggestion Loi Pei could only sigh as he replied "what you all suggest is something that I have already thought off but have you forgotten what I said before? If too much time pass then the Liang clan will only grow stronger. Besides, what they showed us yesterday was only a small portion of their true strength and in order to make them fully reveal everything. We have to attack fiercer then before, only then can we decide on our next step."

Everyone: "Understood."

Looking at General Ma Jing, Loi Pei said "Go ahead and signal for the remaining Fei unit along with Ji unit and Wa unit to attack Liang pass. Also get the artillery unit to commence bombardment."

General Ma Jing: "Yes lord."

Heeding Loi Pei orders general Ma Jing wave his command flag signaling the start of the second day of battle. The officers for Fei, Ji, Wa, and artillery unit seeing the signal immediately starting to send out orders to their men.

Artillery Unit Officer: "Load and fire at will!"

Crank! Crannnkkk!

Phew! Whooossh!

Fei, Ji, and Wa Unit Officer: "forward!"



"Take cover!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Cling! Cling! Cling!

The savage unit and those newly arrived soldiers from Gao Liang elite Liang infantry along with the thousand spear are being bombarded heavily by the Pei Kingdom artillery with explosive barrels flying everywhere and so many arrows that it actually block out the light for a brief moment! Screams could be heard everywhere on the wall.

But one man clad in red armor was standing tall on the wall while looking at the incoming Pei Kingdom army. Unfazed by the current chaos around him Gao Liang simply block all the arrows coming his way and evaded the explosive barrels as it hurl towards him and said "hmmp! Is this the best you got Pei Kingdom?" By showing his strength as the lord, it greatly increase morale.

Then Tuong Liang who was responsible for preparing proper counters against Pei Kingdom approach Gao Liang "my lord, all necessary preparations have been made."

Gao Liang didn't respond to Tuong Liang report but on his face is a huge smile.

Soon the Pei Kingdom bombardment stopped as the siege towers are half way to the walls which is a good time for the Liang clan to start retaliating but they simply continue to stay low and covering themselves with shields.

At this time Gao Liang have switch location to another part of the wall for a better view, their he counts "700 meters, 600 meters, 500 meters…..250 meters!"

Sucking in a big breath of air Gao Liang yelled "NOW!"