Complete Annihilation

On a different part of the wall, hundreds of bodies could be seen lying dead on the wall with one man and a handful of soldiers standing among them. After killing all those men, Gao Liang observe the battle and noticing that a fairly good amount of Pei Kingdom soldiers have already came onto the wall which he has hoped to happened.

Taking this opportunity Gao Liang first signal his men to lunch another attack on the three Pei Kingdom unit so that he can isolate them and crush them.

"Release the triple crossbow and destroy the remaining siege towers now!"

Slash, Slash, Slash


With the cut of the ropes which drop the crossbow protection on the floor revealing the menacing giant triple crossbow. But there is something different with the bolt this time because it's no longer have weights that is attached to the bolt. Instead it's a rope and if you follow along the rope then you could see huge square stones attaching themselves to the side of the walls.






"Release the stones now!"




As the giant bolt was fired and penetrated the armor on the siege tower, its sharp edges immediately latched on the siege tower. And with the extra weight from the stones, those siege towers begin to tilt on the side causing many soldiers that rushing over on the drawbridge to fall off.

Slowly, the siege towers start to fall down sideways continuously due to the large amount of extra weight. Some of the siege towers even fall on top of each other allowing a faster destruction to befall on the Pei Kingdom troops.

But these towers still manage to create a rough ladder up the wall through the rubble, allowing the Pei Kingdom troops to climb up slowly under the mercy of Liang clan archers.

Next, Gao Liang order his men to regroup and form both a new defensive position as well as a new defensive position.

"Liang Fire Dragon Mortar Unit retreat to the back of the wall and await my signal! Heavy spear unit protect them!"

"Tuong Liang and everyone else form the trio formation now! Kill them all!"

Step, Step, Step

Clank, Clank, Clank


The Liang Fire Dragon Mortar unit with the escort of heavy spear unit manage to fight their way out and reach the back wall. Once there, the unit set up the mortar in no time and await for their lords next order behind the tight knitted shields that belong to the heavy spear unit.

At the same time Tuong Liang and the rest of Liang clan warriors who have the trio formation ingrain into their memories begin to form the trio formation in minutes, the elite infantry with their shields in the front, thousand spear unit in the middle, and the savage unit in the back as they begin to push inch by inch.

Tuong Liang: "Tighten your position! Shield infantry push! Thousand spear unit counter! Savage unit kill all that manage to bypass us!"


Fei, Ji, and Wa Soldiers: "Aaaarrggghh"

Standing in the back of their units, the Fei, Ji, and Wa Officers yelled out "Punch through now or we all going to die without a chance to fight back!"

Fei, Ji, and Wa Soldiers: "We can't get pass their shields!"


Fei, Ji, and Wa Soldiers: "Aaaarrrgghhh"

Fei Unit Officer: "if we have any chance to turning this around then the Ji and Wa unit need to split up to the two sides. Our Fei unit will stay here in the middle and fight till the end."

Ji unit and Wa unit officers: "Good luck"

Right when the Ji unit and Wa unit about to set out, a report arrive that completely destroy their plan and any hope of turning the battle around.


Fei, Ji, and Wa unit officer: "WHAT!?"

Sensing that the situation is hopeless, the three unit officers didn't want more of their men to climb up under heavy archer fire just to die. And so they start to yell out a retreat order to their men under the wall.

Fei, Ji, and Wa unit officer: "stop climbing up! Retreat now!"

Hearing that order from the three Pei Kingdom officers is like music to Gao Liang ears as he sent out the last order to his men while continue to observe the Pei Kingdom remaining troops movement.

"Send my orders to the artillery unit behind the wall to get the Hwacha ready as well and wait for my orders!"

Liang Elite Infantry: "Yes Lord!"

After passing down his orders Gao Liang lips move "200 meters, 220 meters, 250 meters!"

"Liang Fire Dragon Mortar unit! Get into a row of three and do swap bombardment towards 300 meters to the front to block the enemy retreat and kill any that dare to cross!"

Liang Dragon Mortar unit: "Yes lord!"

Zap! Zissss!

Phew Phew Phew!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Giving them no time to breathe at all, Gao Liang follow up with the next killing move.

"Have the Hwacha to fire at will towards 200 meters to the front and beyond! Wipe out the enemy!"

Liang Elite Infantry: "Yes lord!"

Receiving the order, the soldier run to the back of the wall and yelled out "Hwacha! fire at will towards 200 meters to the front and beyond! Wipe out the enemy!"

Getting the order, the Artillery officer commanded "aim! Fire at will!"

Clannk! Clannk!

Phew! Phew! Phew!

Puchi! Puchi! Puchi!

Fei, Ji, and Wa soldiers: "Aaaarrggghh!"

Fei, Ji, and Wa soldiers: "We can't escape!"

Watching the massacre, Gao Liang show no emotions as he made his way down the wall with his men before saying "It's over."