July 9th 2004

Dear diary,

Today is my first day of work! I can't wait! Although I am a little nervous... but I have what most monsters don't, I have DETERMINATION! So things won't be that bad, plus Sans will be there, so yea.

Anyway, you remember that girl Chara? Well, she was talking to me today and said, "Frisk, what do you think about resetting this world? Just in case something happens?" (*Frisk*) "what, why would I do that? It's not like anything will happen to all my friends...[tch. "No reason"] (*Frisk*) what are you planning? No there'll be no resets, and that is final." ["Fine, it wasn't like I was going to do anything anyway."] (*Frisk*) "Good".

Tell me you don't think that was a little weird, hope she's not up to something... Anyway, I guess I'll continue with my story, so here's a recap.


Chara is telling me her story about Azrael,

Chara and asriel are planning to go to the surface to Chara's Old Village.

(*Paragraph from chapter 4*)

(*Asriel*) "And your sure this will work?" ["Yes I'm sure it will work. Any more questions?"](*Asriel*) "Yes, what time do we leave?" ["tonight... tonight at 12 pm..."] (*End*)


"Spssss, Chara..... Chara"! [ "w what, I was asleep... is it time to go?" (*Asrael*) " ya it's 12:00 pm, you coming?" ["Ya, hold on let me get dressed."] *gets stressed* ["ok let's go Azrael."].... *30 minutes later*

"Hfff hfff, w we're almost at the ruins Chara." ["Hurry... I don't feel so good"] "Chara Ara you alright?" ["I I'll be fine *cough* just hurry and get us up there."] (*Asrael*) "Oh ok... how do we get up there?" ["Use your power*cough* use it to turn our souls blue."] (*Asrael*) like this *your soul turns blue* ["ya like that. *cough* now Lift us up to the top."]


(*Azrael*)"all right we're here... are you ready to pass through the barrier Chara?" [" y-ya."] * passes through barrier* ["O okay just go straight down the mountain that way *cough* and you'll reach the village *cough*."] *"one hour later"* [" hold on Asrael stop here behind this cluster of trees... okay see The Village right over there there should be bed of flowers in the center of the village that's what I want you to set me down"] (*Asriel*) are you sure Chara? The sun is starting to come up, the villagers will see us." ["do it me won't you?"] (*Asriel*) all right, but we better hurry. * Asrael walks over to the center of the village* (*Asrael*) "okay Chara, I'll set you down now." ["Thank you astral you're such a good friend"] * background shouting* (*Asrael*) "Do you hear that, they know were here! CHARA WE GOT TO GET OUT OF HERE! * shouting* (*Asrael) "CHARA... CHARA!!" "THERE HE IS, THE MONSTER! AND HE'S ALREADY GOTTEN ONE OF OUR VILLAGERS!"(*Asrael*) No No I'm not... I I didn't... Please stop "GO BACK FROM WERE YOU CAME FROM YOU SNAKE! (*Asrael*) No wait... FIRE ON MY COMMAND VILLAGERS 3... 2...(*Asrael*) "No.. 1... FIRE!.. *BANG*