Ning Ming Returns

After leaving the Blood Caps' hideout and returning to the inn, Mo Fan took out a scroll he had found while searching the hideout. After checking the contents of the scroll, Mo Fan found out the trade route as well as the partners of the Blood Caps that helped them sell their slaves.

Mo Yingyue lying on the bed beside him jumped off the bed and began practicing her sword skills.

Memorizing the contents of the scroll, Mo Fan opened the window of his room and whistled. Shortly after his whistle, the sound of wings flapping and chirping could be heard. A pigeon appeared on a tree branch by Mo Fan's window as he tied a note to its leg and whistled for it to head off.

Knowing that his message would reach the Heavenly Sword Gate, Mo Fan closed his window before sitting cross-legged on his bed and began cultivating the Invincible Beast Body.

The next morning, a flying sword knocked upon his window as he opened his eyes to receive the message. As soon as he touched the flying sword, a message appeared inside his head, 'I have received your news and will send disciples to deal with it, I wish you good luck on your journey' it read.

Seeing as his master had received his message, Mo Fan got off the bed and tidied himself before he woke up his sister then combed her hair before exiting his room. As he opened his door, he saw Ye Wen waiting by his door for the twins to leave so that they could head to complete their next mission.

According to the mission scroll, the Purple Ice Root was spotted growing in a remote region called the Xuebing Mountains. As the name implies, it is a region filled with snow all year round, no one knows the cause of this and no one dares to head too deep inside such a place.

The Purple Ice Root was last seen growing at the very ends of the border between the entrance of the mountains and the deep end of the mountains. If one was not careful and treaded into the deeper side, they could very well lose their lives to various Ferocious Beasts and even Spiritual Beasts have been spotted in the very mountains! Even a Spiritual Disciple may die in the Xuebing mountains if they are not careful!

The Xuebing Mountain was located over a thousand li from their current location. They would need to travel for a few days and nights to rest and cultivate along the way. Not only that, but they would also want to eat something every time they stopped.

After having breakfast at the inn, the three of them checked out and headed toward the entrance of the village and prepared to go to the Xuebing mountains. When they arrived, Mo Fan felt a few presences hiding away while waiting for the three of them to leave the village.

Sensing a familiar aura as well as ten in the Body Tempering Realm ranging from stage four to nine and even two people in the Qi Controlling stage one! "Yue er, be careful, do not try to fight the ones in the Qi Controlling Realm," Mo Fan said solemnly.

"En" Mo Yingyue replied as she took out her sword. As for Mo Fan and Ye Wen, they released their seals completely as they prepared to fight. The two in the Qi Controlling Realm sensed the brothers locking their killing intent towards them shuddered slightly before jumping down along with their Young Master.

"Hahahaha, so we meet again. I told you, a woman that I Ning Ming is interested in cannot escape" Ning Ming laughed hysterically.

"No need for your b*llshit, if you want to fight then let's do it" Mo Fan replied as one of the Qi Controlling stage cultivators rushed toward him while the other headed for Ye Wen. The Body Tempering stage cultivators surrounded the three of them as five of them attacked Mo Yingyue at once.


Mo Fan punched his opponent's arm as the sound of bones breaking resounded in the area. "Impossible, how can a brat that just stepped into the Body Tempering Realm break my bones with a single punch?" he thought as he spat a mouthful of blood.

Wiping away his blood, he swallowed a pill that healed his injuries as he took out a Yellow Mid grade Spiritual Weapon. "Take this! Flaming Zigzag Slash!" he shouted as his Spiritual Weapon caught ablaze and he slashed at Mo Fan.



With simple movements, Mo Fan dodged the Spiritual Art as he rotated his body in the air and swung his arm punching his opponent's ribs.



The sound of bones shattering could be heard once again as the Qi Controlling Realm cultivator spat out another mouthful of blood. His face became extremely pale as he looked at Mo Fan in fear.


Ye Wen caught his opponent's sword with one arm and grasped it so hard that his opponent couldn't retract his sword. "What?! Let go of my Spiritual Weapon!" he shouted as Qi gathered in his left palm and tried to slam it into Ye Wen's body.


"Impossible! My Mountain Splitting Palm didn't even budge him!" the Qi Controlling Realm cultivator screamed inside his mind. Suddenly, Ye Wen pulled his opponent's sword toward himself before he elbowed his opponent in the back while shattering his opponent's spinal cord at the same time.

"Kang Jin!" Mo Fan's opponent shouted as he spat out another mouthful of blood when he saw his friend lying on the ground in a pool of his own blood. Mo Fan bobbed down on his knees and grabbed his opponent's head and said slowly, "Should you be worried about someone else? You're not in a much better position yourself"


The cultivator spat out a mouthful of blood that almost stained Mo Fan's clothes. Picking up his opponent and throwing him at the Ning Ming's side, Mo Fan glared at him as Ye Wen did the same.



The two bodies of the Qi Controlling Realm cultivators landed on the ground next to Ning Ming who had already dropped onto his butt and wet himself in fear. "Impossible! You're monsters! There's no way humans can be this strong!" Ning Ming shouted as he threw rocks that were by his side at the two staring at him.

The rocks passed by their bodies as if they were ghosts as they quickly turned into blurry figures and took out the cultivators at the Body Tempering stage nine.



The cultivators turned into pools of blood with nothing left behind besides their clothes while Mo Fan and Ye Wen sat down and waited for Mo Yingyue to finish off the rest. They then placed seals back on themselves as they observed.



Seeing that Mo Fan and Ye Wen had made short work of their opponents, Mo Yingyue suddenly became serious. With a wave of her sword, her five opponents all flew back spitting out mouthfuls of blood as she quickly headed for those at her level and one stage above.

The three remaining cultivators at the Body Tempering stage seven and eight attacked her in unison as she parried their swords with her own and dodged their attacks.

Even though there were three of them, they couldn't land a solid attack on her. Even if they did land an attack, it only managed to scratch her clothes or give her surface wounds that would heal in no time.

"Flaming Vertical Slash!" one of them shouted as his sword caught fire and swung in a vertical line. The other two shouted "Flaming Horizontal Slash!" as they slashed horizontally while three swords headed for Mo Yingyue.

Even though they were only in the Body Tempering Realm, their Spiritual Weapons enabled them to use Spiritual Arts which require Qi to use which would normally be impossible for those in this stage of cultivation.

"Water Lotus Dance!" Mo Yingyue said as her body turned into a blurry white figure that danced elegantly with her sword as she cut through the bodies of her opponents along with their attacks.



The three of them spat out mouthfuls of blood as they dropped their Spiritual Weapons and fell to their knees.

"Go and bring your Young Master back with you. If I ever find out that he tries to mess with women again, I will chop off his third leg and shove it down his throat" Mo Fan gave them a deathly stare and told them.

"Thank you for letting us off," they said as the three of them dragged their bodies back from where they came from.

"Why bother letting them off? When they get back, I doubt Ning Ming's father would let them off" Ye Wen said.

"That's none of our business, if they have a brain, they would figure it out for themselves and join a different family" Mo Fan replied. As for the two in the Qi Controlling Realm, they were heavily injured and couldn't move.

The three of them left the place and didn't bother with their opponents as they headed for the Xuebing Mountains with the Iron Winged Tiger.