Being surrounded by six guys I didn't knew what to do. I tried to run betwen then but they blocked me each time. Suddenly one of them pushed me to the other side and the other man grabed my neck and pushed me to the wall. I tried to grab the mans hand when another man riped apart my dress and used a part of it to tie my hands and stuff my mounth. All i could hear is a ziper open and how they were braging about whos dick is bigger. I tried to hold back the tears but i couldnt anymore. The tought of my bitch mother and these guys just pushed me to the edge of no return. I could feel the tears slip down my cheeks and how the only tought in my head was "how could this be happening to me?"
Suddenly i felt someone moving my underwear and i felt someone touching me between my legs. The next thing i heard was a crack of a bottle and the hand swung away. the next moment i could feel somebody touching the back of my head. The person untied my eyes and my hands. When the cloth around my eyes droped down from my head the first thing i saw was dark blue hair. The person was looking down so all i could see was the top of his head. then i looked around and all the guys were unconsious on the floor. The head before me rose up and there was suddenly a pair of light blue eyes staring back at me. i looked lower and saw his lips were moving but i couldn't hear what he was trying to say. They everything went black before my eyes and i could hear glimpses a weak whisper
"-no-you can't-me-I just found-please-no-"
And everything dissapeared in the darknes that i was surrounded with.