
At XYZ school

"Hey did you know that a newbie have arrived she's kinda hot right

"dude have you seen how big her boobs are"

"do you think she has a boyfriend "

"should I try playing with her some"

two boys were talking about Clare and before I know i grabbed his collar and stared at him with my angry face I can feel my blood boiling my face turned red and was grinding my teeth I felt like beating him up and I can see fear in his eyes.

"yes she have and she's my cousin "

I yelled and the two boys run away in no time

although I know I lied about her having a boyfriend

last year I was suspended for beating a guy who tried bulling me he was left with a bleeding nose and from then I was called the silent bully. i never had any interest in others issues. I was totally into video games .

I know that sooner or later Clare will know about this but I think it won't bother her as she was the only person whom I showed my other side .when it was lunch time I sat down on a corner table alone I was wearing a black jacket and the cap that Clare bought me and my face was half coverd with the shade part of the cap

"Luci why are you sitting here alone I was looking for you the whole day"

from the very voice I could say that it was Clare, but I didn't move

"Luci can I sit with you " in response I just nodded .

"you already told others that I'm Your cousin but they said you are the silent bully is it true"?

I looked at her and can see her eyes filled with curiosity .

but I didn't say a thing .

but the next thing she said made me look at her with my mouth curved a little but it can't be called a smile .

"but I don't believe them you would never do anything without a reason right "

I slowly touched her hands and slightly tilted my head

"you're right I would never do anything without a reason "

I saw a wide smile carved up I can feel how much she care about me .

Clare was called for a party with her friends she asked me to go with her but I said I'm not interested so she didn't force me .

on my way back homeI I was riding my bike. i felt dizzy all of a sudden I lost control . when I opened my eyes I was in the hospital my leg was fractured and got a stitch on right corner of my forehead .

I can feel the pain and then I saw a guy sitting beside me reading a magazine his face was covered with the magazine cover page

I slightly cleared my throat . mhmmrr.....

I saw the guy moving the book


"oh your up "


"does it hurt a lot "


I didn't give him any response and layed there like a statue

"Luci you were on the road unconscious and I was getting back to my home I couldn't find your parents number so I couldn't inform them" " Are you okay "

"Luci..... "

I suddenly came back to my senses

drake was my classmate I never really talked to him but when a guy tried bulling me he tried to help me but was badly hit that's when I decided to beat the bully

the after all this month I never talked to drake not even tried thanking him for him trying to protect me

but then I was suspended so I never got a chance either truth to be told I never wanted to make friends with anyone so I skipped any chance of mingling with them

"much better " I replied

"I'm your neighbor now I moved out near your house a week ago think you never noticed me" he said

l looked at him with a blank expression

"Hmm I guess we should let ur parents know about this "

I gave their number to him in no time they where there

after a few weeks I was partially healed and Clare would give me a visit every day and drake will be there with her when drake left we were left alone in the room

"are you in some sort of relationship with him"

I asked she was surprised to hear it from me I guess

"No what made you feel like that "

I shouldn't have asked her anything like that now I regret it what will I tell her

"nothing just asking " I said shrugging my shoulders