master of mind torture

Honestly I taught the whole family is gonna be so dramatic and stuff but then nobody even noticed that we were missing just like they don't care....

but for a reason that was a blessing or the whole thing would never end in endless blabbering ...

but the real problem is how to make up with Clare .even though I enjoyed the kiss. it still end up hurting her, but the feelings we have for each other can't be affected by this right?

I tried to prossess my mind and finally when grandma said,

"kids you should go sleep... granny's sweetie take Clare with you to bed... we might not sleep anytime soon... "

it's strange that nobody noticed her lips, but I understood what grandma meant by


it's obvious that the elderly are gonna have a drinking party since its always like that,she wants me to take Clare away with out any further conversation ..

and I know this was the chance to makeup with her. but when I tried to hold her hands.. she left the room ignoring me

I know I'm in wrong but I never imagined it could be this hard ....

after a moment I climbed up stairs and saw Clare on my bed her head facing the wall ,her beautiful silky hair was spread on pillow

earlier ,she wore black polo shirt and long loose grey pants .

and now it's lemonade pink full slip top combined with her fully waxed long slender legs perfectly moisturized

and wide hip bones defining those beautiful curves and her milky white soft hands on top of them can anytime pull my hungry beast mode on .

but recalling what happens earlier I didn't dare to do so .

but before I can stop myself ..i slowly kissed on here pale shoulder..

when she suddenly turned around I couldn't stop myself looking at her

the dress clearly accentuate her collarbone showing little of her cleavage, just like it was specially made for her .which gave me a feeling that nobody can ever look at her like that other than me ...

thinking all of that a little smile got printed on my face ,and how she can turn me in to a possessive partner who get jealous in fraction of seconds

shattering all my thoughts

she said. "you can't "

me. "....."

"you can't touch me unless I say so " and giving me a side look and mumbled

"shouldn't you pay for what you do? "

and turn back facing the wall

I realized how my own lines can hit me back...

oh wasn't a slap paid the price already? but I never dared to say it louder ...

and knowing I did messup with the master of mind torture .

then I think about it, i knew this was all well planned

because never have I ever seen her wore anything like that ,and it looks more like the only one she had ....

and she put them on just because.....

oh thinking about all that ..

my face turned red my earlobes are hot and my hands and toe are super cold and that too in summer.....

holy mackerel !!! I tried taking deep breaths and for some reason I think Clare was enjoying the game..

I couldn't close my eyes I tried cooling my eyes with my cold fingers and when I woke up, same as usual Clare was gone...