Time Travel

Time travel, a concept straight out of science fiction movies, is possible now. According to Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity, time is relative depending on how fast you are moving. This is the basis for real-world concepts and research on time travel.

The faster you move through space, the slower you move through time. While movies always need some sort of complicated contraption to travel through time, all that is needed is a large rocket.

Time travel is actually already happening. Astronauts living on the International Space Station are moving faster than the people on Earth. This means that astronauts age slightly slower in space than they would back home.

One example of a time traveler was cosmonaut Gennady Padalka, who arrived back on Earth in September 2015 after breaking the record for the longest stay in space at 879 days. When Mr. Padalka came back from his adventures, he found the Earth to be 1/44th of a second to the future of where he expected it to be. Richard Gott in his book titled Time Travel in Einstein's Universe. "He literally traveled...into the future," Gott wrote.

I had a very strong desire to get into past - to the age of The Dragon King, the first Chinese Emperor and the powerful terracotta army. I wanted to know more about those days. I wanted to know the secrets that were behind the mighty superpowers of these Chinese warriors. I wanted to know the secrets of the "man-animal" hybrids.


As a young man, I was a disorganized scientist. My interests had me following varied fields. As was destined, I was approached by a farmer named Wang Wei, who offered me a mysterious substance. He was a poor man and knew that I had interest in the unknown. The substance, in the form of stone, was something I had never seen and heard about before. Its properties were out of this world.

The substance was found in a meteorite. It was an ultimate source of energy. Nothing like it could be found on this planet.

I had perfected energy extraction form the stone many years back. I invented a number of other machines, powered by the same crystalline substance. I had a Flying Machine, which would fly by flapping its wings like a bird, powered by the stone. I had chosen not to release to the public.

My dream was different. It was to go back in time to see the age of the Terracotta Warriors.

Due to this intense desire of getting back in time - into the age of the "terracotta army", I was always studying - whether it be scientific research papers, science fiction books or movies. I wanted ideas, lots of ideas..and yes, some motivation to be able to do what I am about to do.

Once, on a cold and rainy day I was reading a non-fiction book which I had rented from an old library. It was about how to make a time machine. Surprisingly, the concepts matched with the theories that I had already researched on in my past few years of study. I decided that I would try making a time machine. I went to some old mechanical workshops and the science malls to get the equipment that I will be needing.

I went back to my science lab which I had constructed in the basement of my house. I started making the time machine with everything that my gut feelings said. The machine was powered by the stone from space.

I had put together different machinery to make laser boosters. Over the next few days I created the engine, time boost and lots of other equipment. When I finished creating all the pieces I assembled them. I always had my students helping me in my science research and experiments, but this was different and crazy.

My desire to see the time of "terracotta warriors" had driven me crazy. I was too desperate to think logically. Before the thought of "effect of lasers on my body" entered my brain, I turned the lasers boosters on and then walked onto the time machine.

I had set the time machine to year of the "King with dragon tail". I stepped on to the pad that was on the floor and turned on the power knob.

It worked.
