Complex Character

Prince Rudo did not leave my side the whole time he stayed at the party.

We spoke for a long while. And despite the fact that I wanted to exhale from him, I knew that there was no way I could do this. After all, everyone else in the room ignored or gossiped about the both of us.

And when I thought about it, the more Prince Rudo and I spoke, the more comfortable I felt with him. He had this strange darkness in him, one that I couldn't comprehend. It was as if he had experienced many bad things in his life and they had deeply scarred him.

He was quite a complex character...

For a while, we spoke while looking over the courtyard but after we turned to look into the room and we played a game of sorts.

"Every single person in this room is out only for themselves. To impress their peers, the king... to keep face, to prove a point... everyone." Prince Rudo started as he smile slightly sinisterly. "You can't trust any of them. But you must. As nobility we need to keep a united front."

I nodded to his words every so often.

"There is an idiotic succession war going on. You know that right?" Prince Rudo asked, trying to test my knowledge.

I nodded. "The first prince or the second prince are being put against each other. Many nobles have already divided themselves into factions."

"Who do you think should rule?" Prince a Rudo asked with a bitter smile.

I paused.

"The Ashington family has not chosen a side. But... By the laws of the country, the first prince must succeed...." I started then I paused. Prince Rudo noticed this and so he didn't try to interrupt me. "But because the first prince was born from the relations between the king and a commoner many don't think he had the lineage to succeed. Even if the king had made her his queen, many still don't want... dirty blood... to rule."

I felt a bit sick as I explained this. Mostly because I was saying it to Prince Rudo himself. He didn't know that I knew who he was, but even so, his possible reaction was a mystery to me.

Prince Rudo laughed. "Yes...the inbreeding of nobility."

I felt my blood run cold for a moment due to the venom in his voice.

Prince Rudo: "But this is beginning to change. Many nobles have bastard children with commoners or with foreigners. Some have been recognized."

Hearing this, I held my breath.

Bastard child...

That was exactly what Ellie was. Her mother was a commoner who had somehow begun a story book romance with Duke Ashington before he had been given his title of Duke. But due to circumstances they had to be separated but by then, Ellie had already been conceived. From that, Ellie's mother worked her way to becoming Baron Von Strident's Mistress and later on his legal wife. Due to this, Ellie encountered a lot of abuse and strife.

This was a story to make the players sympathize with Ellie. It was obvious that Ellie didn't do anything wrong, she was just born in such a situation. And I knew there was no basis for me to feel annoyed at her and hate her and her mother but because I knew what would happen to both Shahira and I due to them, I couldn't quite accept that they were innocent despite what they themselves were dealing with.

I frowned and then I said, "Even if they change the laws, succession will just become more and more complicated—"

I started but then, something caught my eye.

Finally, the moment that I had waited for had arrived.

My own eyes began to fixate on a head of straight, flowing blonde hair, like a sheet of pure gold. Emerald eyes, like jewels shone on an innocent face.

It was Ellie and with her, her 'father', Baron Von Strident.

Seeing this I Instantly turned to look at Duke Ashington.

There, he stood alone looking around the room but when he finally caught of glimpse of the girl, I saw my father's eyes shine. There was an emotion I couldn't quite describe that appeared in his eyes. Seeing this, my heart clenched and I frowned hard, forgetting where I was.

"Do you have a grudge against that girl?" Prince Rudo said curiously, leaning back on the railing.

I paused for a moment, and then I shook my head. "She's beautiful isn't she..."

"Ah... so you're jealous." Prince Rudo said.

I shook my head once more. "Why would I be?"

Prince Rudo paused for a moment and then he looked between us. "I wonder..."

After that, Prince Rudo and I were quiet, we both looked towards Ellie who had just entered the room. With Baron Von Strident, whose face was filled with unbelievable pride.

"She's so pretty! Too bad she's only a baron's daughter..."

"First Queen Kesia was a commoner. We don't know who could be chosen!"

Prince Rudo and I heard two women whisper near the balcony.

For a moment, I turned to Prince Rudo and analyzed his expression. But it was just cold. Unchanging and uncaring.

I sighed.

In a part of everyone's minds they knew what today was. Yes, it was to introduce the daughters of nobility to society but it was also to chose bride candidates for the two princes.

However, while Rudo was already here, Ilya, the second prince, was nowhere to be found.