A Friend

Lena was irritated. She knew that this lady was lying. What kind of "sitting area" is only for appointment only.

If this was her company, this front desk nobody lady would be fired already. And if Lena was not here for a purpose, she would have slapped this puny lady's face a few times.

"Uncle, do you have an appointment?" Lena asked the man sitting across her.

"I -- uh… I work here."

"He does not have appointment," Lena replied to the lady.

"He works here, he can sit here."

"Miss with the ugly make-up, do you have an appointment?"

Lena asked the lady who is obviously here to attract the rich men of this company.

She was definitely not an employee here.

"Hmm? Do I need an appointment?" The female chick replied, not realizing the situation.

"Are you going to kick her too?" Lena asked the front desk lady.

"Miss, she is--- is a friend of the Young Master."

"It is obvious you are just spouting excuses to get me out of here."

Lena rolled her eyes at how stupid this lady was making such lame reasons.

"Miss. Shen, this is really for appointments only. Please do not cause any trouble here."

She spoke loudly to get the attention of the guards at the front gate. A few of them walked over.

"Gosh, if you want me to leave, just ask civilly. Is this how Zhao Corp treats their guests?"

"You are not a guest though."

The guards without even thinking dragged Lena out the door.

Lena finally lost her patience and was about to punch someone but then the person she was waiting for finally arrived.

The man stepped out of his fancy shiny black Maybach. He stood tall with his blond hair. His mother is Italian so he has the dashing look of mixed blood.

His body was well built and as heavenly to be considered as one of the top bachelors of China.

He glanced at Lena for a second and continued to walk into the company.

"Hey wait!"

He didn't stop. Lena rushed in front of the man and spread her arms out, stopping him.

He was a large man and Lena felt that she needed her whole body to get his attention.

"I am talking to you, Ming Zhao."

"Do I know you?"

"She is Miss. Lena Shen." Secretary Tim whispered to his ears.

"Hmm… Miss. Shen, as if you haven't already pissed off the other two great kings, you are here to add another one to your list?"

This was the first time he saw Lena Shen. He was not very much into publicity.

The people who have been observing Lena since she entered the company laughed.

"She is so stupid to cause more trouble."

"Does she like attention that much? I feel so bad for her parents… to had raised such a useless daughter. She is such a disgrace."

Ming Zhao pushed Lena aside and continued to walk in.

"I guess you don't care about what I know about Project Crystal" Lena quickly blurted out.

As she expected, Ming Zhao stopped and turned back to her.

He stared at her in contempt. 'How does she know about that? Isn't the project exclusively secret?!'

"How do you know about that?" His stare at her intensifies.

"Do you really want me to answer you here?" Lena looked around to gesture that they are in a public area and many people are staring at them.

Ming relaxed his composure. "What do I have scheduled for the rest of today?"

"You have a meeting on the new phone release and then another meeting with the design team in the evening." Secretary Tim replied.

"Reschedule them both." Ming looked back at Lena and then continued walking.

"Are you coming or not?" He yelled back.

"Oh… I am coming." Lena smiled. She trailed behind him.

"Ah wait, Mr. Zhao! You have a friend waiting for you in the lobby for a while now." Lena pointed to the girl from before.