Sexy Bite Mark

"I uh-- I'll clean that later." Aunt Mary quickly excused herself.

'What did she just see? Were the rumors about those two being intimate in the past true?'

Kris suddenly realized the position they were in. Lena was straddled on top of him and his hands on her bare legs. Just before, her hands were still on his head and when she bit his neck… it must have looked like they were…

He suddenly flopped Lena down the ground. Lena screeched a bit but before she could even sit up, Kris was already gone.

"That bastard!" She threw the entire plate of biscuits onto the ground. She was going to scramble back to her room but stumbled.

She looked down her legs and saw two big red handprints right on her thighs where Kris grabbed to push her legs off him. 'Ah.. it hurts..'


Collin was just sitting in the car texting his girlfriend when he suddenly heard the car door opened and jammed closed, causing the car to shake.


"Drive!!" Kris shouted.

Collin quickly started the car. Why is it that every time he dropped his boss off and he comes back, he is in a worse condition? 'What did you do this time Miss Shen?'

Kris was so angry in the back of the car. He took out sanitizing wipes and cleaned his hands. He took off his tie and unbuttoned a few of his buttons to cool off.

Why does he feel so hot? His mind suddenly wondered to the moment Lena jumped onto him. Her coverup fully opened up, exposing her flawless white skin. Her smooth long legs were tightly wrapped around him his waist. And when they fell back onto the sofa, her body was all over him. He could feel her breasts settling on his chest and her cool breath before she bit him.

He shook his head. And his anger appeared again.

"Why are you driving so slow!"

"Boss, you didn't tell me where to go."

"To Red Moon!!"

'Wuuuuuuu! His boss is going back to Red Moon. For sure Madam Li will know about it again and yell at me.' Collin stepped on the gas and sped all the way to the club.

Before the car even made a complete stop, Kris already opened the door and head into the club. He quickly went up to his private room.

All the woman saw how HOT Kris was. His hair was messy and his shirt was semi opened. But what astonished them all was that swollen red bite mark on his neck.

Lay heard the news that Kris arrived and he quickly went to greet the buddy. He opened the door to see Kris already drinking himself down. What his men told him was correct?! Kris does have a bite mark on him?

"Who gave you that sexy bite mark huh buddy?" Lay aloofly asked.

Kris stopped and touched the pain he was feeling on his neck. Ah yeah… that damn b*tch did bite him. Kris suddenly threw the bottle at Lay but he quickly dodged it. The bottle crashed into the door and shattered.

Lay gulped. He has not seen Kris angry like this for a long time. The last time was when a pop star name Lily accidentally tripped onto Kris. All he knew was that Kris did something bad to her and she had to go get plastic surgery and spend her last 6 months abroad.

"I want that b*tch dead!"

"Wh...Who?" Lay was scared to ask.

"Lena Shen."

Lena Shen? Why is it her again? Lay was too scared to ask about the details.

"I can get my men to do the job."


"Do you want it soon? Or after the opening ceremony?" Lay asked. He knew that Madam Li had been looking forward to the ceremony hence why Kris re-established the relationship with Shen Industry.

"As soon as possible."

"Right away."

Kris got up. He needed a shower now that he had his drink. He paused at the door just as an idea popped into his mind.

"Scratch that. Don't use our men, it is wasteful to use such resources on her. Spread new to the underground world. I want her alive but immobile. I want to be able to stare at her fearful face."