Personal Invitation

Ming Zhao knew that his brother who appeared from nowhere had a record too clean. No doubt that this man was smart and manipulative, but Ming Zhao grew up trained for a war that has no room for a man like Mike Zhao.

Although his grandfather was quick to accept the man because he seem like a crafty and strong businessman, Ming Zhao knew that it was just the mask Mike was putting up. Ming Zhao will be the man to pull that fake mask his.

Ming Zhao just needed to be patient and play his cards correctly. After all, he already has an ace card… little Miss. Lena Shen.


Lena was up bright and early the next morning. She had to prepare and look great in her meeting with Eva today. She was still wearing long pants because the bruise was still visible.

She was at the office by 7:30 am and already emotionally prepared for the day.

"MIss Shen, Miss Eva has arrived."

"Good, you can tell her to come in."

Eva entered the office. Today she was alone without her bodyguards. She wore a nice floral dress and some low heels.

"Hello, Miss. Wu, please take a seat." Lena greeted her.

Eva was a bit astonished by Lena's look and mannerisms. Eva already knew that she would be meeting up with Lena today but she had expected a feisty woman.

"Hello, Miss. Shen. Thank you for accepting this proposal. Andy wanted the best for our rings."

"Any great man would want the best. And you are correct, I am the best woman for this job." Lena smiled to where Eva awkwardly smiled back.

"I took a look at the pre-design you submitted. As much as it is a very delicate ring that you want, I think it lacks some details and depths. I made three additional designs based on the original to see if they are to your liking."

Eva was a simple woman so her first design of the rings was simple too. Although these were just engagement rings, she and Andy wanted them to be custom and made towards their love. Each step in their story must be remembered.

Eva took the three designs and looked at them. It is true that compared to the initial design she submitted, Lena's was more detailed. She looked at the design for Andy's ring and was stunned.

Every detail about the ring was designed with such a technique that with a glance, one would know that this ring was designed for Andy and his character.

No surprise though for her, Eva knew that Lena probably knew more about Andy than she does. And this did not make her feel any more confident than when she walked in. Lena might know Andy more but for sure she loves him more than Lena ever did.

"Are the designs not to your liking?"

"Ah… um.. No. They are perfect. I think I like set #2 the most."

"I see. Let's talk about the minor details then. You have also requested an engravement on the rings."


"Do you want them embedded on the ring itself or inside the diamond?"

"Inside the diamond?"

"Yes… It is quite a popular trend lately. It is on the higher end on cost but this technique is very essential. When looking at the ring, you can see the engraved initials. The engravement will be very small but the diamond itself will zoom in the engravement making it readable."

"I have never heard of such a design."

"I understand. This technique is only known and used by the Shen Industry. It is a technique and procedure copyrighted to us only."

" I see, then let's have it like that then."

"Great. Now is there anything else?"

"Eh… I don't think so?"

"If not then, I appreciate you coming in to discuss more details about the rings. I will call you back when we have them completed."

Lena stood up to placed the designs on her desk.

"Miss. Shen?" Eva quietly called her.

Lena turned back to see Eva handing her a card which looked like an invitation.

"I already senT an invitation to the Shen Family, but I wanted to give one personally to you."

Lena smiled and took the invitation.

"I know that it might be difficult for you to attend the event but it would mean a lot for Andy to have you there. After all, you are both childhood friends."

"I'll be sure to attend the event."

Eva was happy that Lena took the invitation without any concerns. She was however too innocent to see the sly smile on Lena.