

"What?!" Madam Li screamed through the phone.

"I did bring your gift to the Shen residence, but they have informed me that the young miss is in the hospital."

"Hospital? How? She was just fine and healthy with me yesterday?!"

"I do not know Madam. They did not tell me more. They only tell me a bit because I said I was from the Li residence."

"Useless people." Madam Li grumbled and hung up the call.

She had sent out one of her workers this morning to send a thank you gift to Miss. Shen. However, he had returned the call that she was in the hospital.

There was no news about her being in the hospital, so something really bad must have happened. With the paparazzi these days, they are always on top of rich people news.

Madam Li quickly grabbed her bag and went downstairs. She would need to visit Miss. Shen and make sure she is alright.

Just as she was about to leave, Kris popped from the kitchen.

"Are you going somewhere? It's still early in the morning for you to be moving around."

"I have to go to the hospital."

Kris quickly went to his mother's side to inspect her.

"Are you hurt anywhere? I can take you."

Madam Li quickly swatted his son with her purse.

"You useless son. I am not going to the hospital for me, I am going to visit my daugh--- I mean Miss. Shen."

Kris raised his brows. When had his mother been so close to that witch? He had just heard the news this morning that she was in the hospital. The entire Beast Gang was wiped out last night.

"Should I go with you?" Kris asked. He was more eager to see the condition of Lena since he was not able to get any information on that.

To Madam Li though… she thought he was concerned about her condition. Of course, she should bring him with her. She can finally see their chemistry and why her son had not been so successful.


When Lena woke up, she was already in the hospital. She was not in any pain. She looked to her side to see her mother.

Her mother was happily crying beside her since she was fine. Ming Zhao did not give Shen Milli a lot of details about the event, just that she was kidnapped.


"Hmm.. I am here." Shen Milli held her hand.

"You should stop crying… It makes you look ugly."

Shen Milli laughed. She was happy that her daughter was still herself. She knew that experiencing something like this could be a disaster to one's mental health.

Lena sat herself up. She was not really tired.

"Where's dad?"

"He's at the office today. He wanted to stay but I told him that if he doesn't go, the news might spread about you being hospitalized."

"You look tired…"

Shen Milli looked at her daughter's beautiful face. She had stayed with her the entire night and had not slept since hearing the news about her being kidnapped. Only when they were informed that she was safe, she finally started breathing again.

Lena knew that her mother had not slept one bit.

"I am fine." Lena smiled. "Just hungry. You should go home and sleep. Aunt Mary can stay with me."

Shen Milli was going to argue but she knew that she would not win against her stubborn daughter. So she headed back home while Aunt Mary stayed with Lena.

Aunt Mary went out to grab some food for her. Lena took the opportunity to call Gary. She called him a few times, but each time the call went directly to voicemail.

Her phone is not here and there is no laptop so she will contact him later when she can.

"Hello?" Lena called out. She sensed that there were people outside her room since she had woken up.

A tall sturdy man walked in and bow. "Did you need something miss?"

"Who are you?" Lena asked.

"Young Master Zhao assigned us to be here with you until the situation is resolved."

"Ming Zhao?" That was right… it was him that came. Murong… Lena smiled. "Where is he now?"

"The young master said he will visit you later in the evening."

Lena nodded and the man left. She did not plan to use one of her favors for this… but she was glad she did.

Lena took a deep breath. She closed her eyes to remember all the horrible things she just went through. She was scared and weak… but this will only make her stronger.

This experience was an eye-opening for her. Lena Shen has officially entered the war zone of the high society and it is not all flowers and unicorns.

She folded her hands into a fist and her eyes flared like a phoenix.