Choosing Sides

Lena headed back to her room after lunch. She needed to be in her comfort zone to begin her thought process. It has been several long hours for her, but she felt like she had aged a few years.

Lena's body wasn't made for physical work. She could keep the body in shape but Lena won't have time to conquer a full self-defense lesson. However, she needed to prepare for further situations that will endanger her life.

She will need to order some new gadgets. She cannot always rely on others to come to her, especially if she cannot predict the outcome too.

Gary had a connection to obtain some amazing items. She would need to contact him once he was feeling better.

Lena sat down on her desk and logged into her laptop. She did not have time to look at the completed information Gary had sent her about the Three Kings beforehand but now was the time to know. Information is power.

She already played an ace card on Ming Zhao. Although she has a blossoming partnership with him, he had always been a neutral party.

If Lena wanted to play big and risky, she'll need to hit the other two kings. Andy Yang, her first love, would be the easiest path to mend a relationship. Their families had been friends and close for a long time now.

Lena also has Hazel to back her up if she needed that. But, this just seemed too simple. How can she look for a strong backer if the man she previously lived for, is too clouded in the mind due to his heart?

Love can be a strength, but it is also the strongest weakness.

Lena would have been more open-minded about Andy loving another person, but she knows that Eva was not a woman worth Andy's love. But who is she to play the goddess of love?

She needed to reevaluate who she should be close with and who are her enemies. And for that, Lena needed to make sure that she has some strong connections.

You only live once. And you will experience death countless times, so Lena rather choose the riskier path. That means, she needed to be on the good side of the Li Group.

Not only will she secretly get revenge on Andy for her broken heart, but she will also obtain a resource that can match any enemy she will encounter in the future.

Kris Li was not a person one should get too close to nor too far away from. She will need a way into his circle.

There must be something in these files that can help her. Lena spent a good amount of time looking through the information. However, there was very little on Kris's childhood. Most of the information was after Madam Li woke up from her coma.

What stood out to Lena was the situation on Madam Li's accident. Although the driver was dead on the scene, the accident itself was too much of a coincidence. Madam's Li security was always high and the car she was in was also custom made for gunfire and forceful impact.

If Lena wanted to get into the good side of Kris Li, she'll have to use the "mom" card one last time.


Lena returned to work the next day. Although she had only been gone for a few days, SHYNE has been busy since their last successful launch. But before she went to the company, she had to make a stop.

Noah parked the car outside an apartment building. Unlike Gary's, this area was more luxurious but was still nothing compared to the rich lifestyle that Lena was used to.

They both exited the car with Lena. Lena walked into the building and the elevator to floor 3. Her journey ended when she was standing outside a blue door. She knocked three times and waited.

The door quickly opened. Lena was met with a tall well-built man, who was already dressed and prepared for the day. She smiled to greet the man.

"Miss. Shen?"

"Hello, James." She tilted her head down a bit and greeted him.