Exchange of Information

"Let me borrow him." Kris clarified.

"No!" Lena was quick to reject. She won't offer a friend away like this. Gary was not for sale!

"Then, no information."

"It's alright." Gary finally spoke. He was quiet throughout the whole time trying to read Kris. He knew that when Kris first saw him, Kris knew who Gary really was.

It was not a surprise that Kris was a person with connections and a web of information. Kris was a man that Gary would never be involve with, but for Lena, he didn't mind.

"No!" Lena stared back at Gary. "I won't let him have you, not even for a second! Just because he doesn't like woman, doesn't mean that he can have you if he wanted to. He already has that young and cute looking man there already."

Lena pointed at Lay who was in rejection. Lay was shaking his head and looking at Kris for protection! He can't be accused of being with Kris, all his women will not approach him anymore! On the other hand, Kris was choking from his drink.

`What is this woman thinking?! That he is into men?'

Lena didn't know because her back was facing Kris but the glares she was getting from Kris was as if he was sending someone to hell. Gary, however, saw them.

Gary held Lena's hand with his left hand and flicked her forehead with the other. "You are overthinking." He smiled.

"Ah??" Lena rubbed her forehead. 'Was she not correct again?'

"You can have me for one job." Gary spoke directly at Kris. Luckily Kris settled down his anger from the response earlier.

"One job will do. Do you agree, Miss. Shen?" Kris asked.

Lena turned back to face Kris. She did not know entirely what was going on between the two men but she trusted Gary. "Very well then."

"It would spoil the fun if I told you who it was directly."

Lena stared at the man, throwing knives at him. 'Is he playing hard now? Didn't they just agree?'

"As a real apology from me, I will give you a free lesson. I will give you a hint and you can find the person on your own."

Lena did not respond. Kris took it as if she was up for the challenge.

"When I looked deeper into the situation, I found out that the entire Beast gang was eliminated. Not a single one of them was left alive. I would do the same thing if a similar situation happened to me. However, your relationship with Ming Zhao is not to that extent."

Lena finally understood what Kris was suggesting. Why would Ming Zhao go through all the extra work just for her?

"Are you saying Ming Zhao had something to do with it?"

"Is it so hard to believe?" Kris asked back.

"He wouldn't dare break our business partnership." Lena was sure of it.

"Ming Zhao had never associated himself with the underworld or anything dirty. However, he didn't bat an eye to destroy the lives of many people in one day. He is either protecting himself or someone else."

Lena's eyes widened. Project Crystal, Ming Zhao's family, and his inheritance is everything to him. If there was one thing that he may value somewhat, then she knew who Kris was referring to.

However, Lena can't be jumping to conclusions again. She needed 100% confirmation this time before she hit back.

"You won't have Gary."

Kris stood up from his seat. "You agreed!"

"You also adjusted the terms on your own. You can't have him. Instead, I will exchange something of equal value."

Kris sat back down. He was interested again. He was correct to say that Lena Shen was full of surprises.

"What information could you possibly have that is of equal value?" Kris spoke.

"The person behind Madam Li's accident." Lena spoke loud and clear.