
"Your engagement rings." Lena replied to Andy's question.

Andy looked at both of the girls confusingly. Lena could see that Andy was clueless about the rings getting done by SHYNE. Didn't Eva say that both of them wanted the best rings? Shouldn't Andy know about it then?

"I asked Lena to work on them." Eva replied hesitantly but also sweetly to Andy. Andy stared back at Lena with questioning eyes.

'Excuse me, girl?! Don't start putting more trouble on my door.' Lena's sassy attitude exploded internally.

"The proposal was originally sent to my mother who was in charge of SHYNE at that moment. However, I had recently taken charge of SHYNE thus that came along with the full responsibility of all SHYNE proposal and projects. Are you against me designing your rings?" Lena sternly asked Andy.

"I have no problem. If Eva wants it that way then I am fine with it. I have no doubt that they are any less than perfect if done by the Shen Jewelry Industry. I was just not aware of the full situation."

Lena smiled. "That seems like something to be discussed between you two. If there is any conflict with my side of the transaction, then you can contact me. I am sorry, but I am meeting up with someone and it would be rude of me to keep that person waiting."

Lena professionally excused herself. She strode away with her men with her usual queen-of-the-world flair. Andy's eyes followed her leaving the hallway until he could not see her anymore. There was definitely something different about her.

"Andy?" Eva nudged Andy who then blinked and looked back at her. She smiled. "You are not mad at me for not telling you right?"

"I am not mad at you." Andy caressed her cheeks. "I told you before, you can do whatever you want. I want you to be happy."

"Ok." Eva smiled and both walked back into their private room.

When Lena arrived at Hazel's private room, she noticed that Hazel was already semi-drunk. No surprise.

"Lenaaa!" Hazel jumped up quickly to go hug Lena.

Hazel was just a bit taller than Lena. She has long black wavy hair. Hazel had had a few surgeries on her face and body, but nothing too major because she was a famous actress. Hazel kept her body in shape all the time. She made sure her girl parts were always the golden parts about her.

"Are you drunk already?" Lena asked.

"No way!" Hazel finally released Lena from the hug. "Heeeyyyy Gary." She winked.

Gary turned away and sat by himself. Hazel dragged Lena to sit with her. She had already ordered their typical dinner dishes.

"What took you so long?" Hazel asked while she was already dishing food to her plate.

"Nothing much. Just bumped to some unimportant people."

"Did you get bullied? Who dares?! I will go fight them for you."

"No need. I can handle them myself."

"YOURSELF?! Then why did you let that peasant get the best of my cousin?"

Lena paused. She can't exactly say that she was not the real Lena and her feelings are not with Andy anymore. How should she go about this?

"Andy… Most first love are not meant to be."

"Do you still love him?"

"I don't."

"Don't lie to me."

"I would never lie to you." Lena stared straight into Hazel's eyes.

"Then do you love him?" Hazel nodded towards Gary, who had been just chilling and eating while listening to the conversation. This was usually how he was when he was with them.

"No. Gary is as much as an important friend as you."

"Then do you love someone else?"


"How can you get over my cousin so fast? You had chased him for years! Even I am still hung up on my ex…."

Lena stopped and pondered again. "Andy was the only man I saw in my eyes for all the years that I had been with him. I always knew that he never loved me as much as I did for him. However…"


"I was very angry and emotional when he broke off the engagement, but for the first time in my life, I saw a new world without Andy being my number one priority. I finally stopped and stared at the people around me. I finally saw that there are more amazing people out there. Definitely much more capable and handsome men in the world."

"Woah… did you finally get laid?!"

Lena friendly punched Hazel on her arm. "Do you think I am you? Opening my legs for every handsome man I meet?"

Hazel burst into a loud laugh. "I am just playing with you. I am trying to cheer you up! I will hook you up with someone."

"I don't need your hookups. I am perfectly beautiful enough to find my own man."

"Wow. I left for a few months and my Lena has sprouted some butterfly wings!"

Lena smiled. "Are you proud of me?"

"You're still my student… that is until.." Hazel looked down Lena's legs. "You ----"

Lena poked at Hazel again. "Your mind had gone more perverted. Are you even a woman?"

"Of course I am. Do you not see my big boobs?!" Hazel dropped down her eating utensils and jiggled her large breasts. Gary just put his hand on his forehead.

Hazel had always been so open about herself. Whenever he was with them, he was either treated as another "girlfriend" or nonexistent. There had been multiple times he was with them when Hazel talk about her woman habits and her sexual adventures. Gary had perfected the technique to filter out Hazel.