
Lena watched the door close before her eyes turned cold again. She wiped her tears and turn back to face Gary. His body was lifeless on the bed, but Lena knew he was still there. She's not giving up on him.

"Why did you lie?"

"I am still too weak." Lena was not talking about her body, but also her assets. Gary was one of her best resources.

"You know who did it though?"

"You can't tell my parents. This our battle, Henry. We are the ones who will carry the Shen family."

"I will always have you back Lena."

"Who was the one who saved us?"

"I don't know the exact details on that. You would have to as James."

"That's right… How are James and Kye?"

Henry didn't want to tell her, but he knew that he should. "Kye did not make it. He died during the car chase."

Lena folded her hands into fists. Her fingernails, digging into her skin. "Make sure he gets a good funeral… and notify his family."

'I am not going to falter. I will have my revenge. Don't you know Madam Yang, if you can kill someone, make sure you do it the first time or they will keep coming back.'

Shen Milli returned back to the room. She told Lena that she can visit Gary later after she has eaten. She also already called Shen Mao that Lena had woken up.

She was obedient. She ate her food, and spend a long time with both her parents. Shen Milli assured her that the AURA and SKYNE were doing fine. And Shen Mao was successful with the cure and sold many of it to other companies.

Their company growth increased by 50% this past few months. With the continued progress, they will be at the top. Shen Mao got into a contract with a good security company and increase the safety of his family and company.

Lena forced her parents to return home and that she was fine with just James. She did not want so much attention because she wanted to rest. Tomorrow was going to be a new day.

Lena woke up bright and early the next day. The nurse came in and changed her bandages. They told her that it was healing fine and there will only a small scar. Lena did not care about such small matters. She had other things to focus on.

"How are the things I asked you to do?" Lena asked James.

"They are doing well. The items you requested a while back from Gary did arrive too. I had them move to your apartment. Noah and I cracked open three of Gary's rooms, but we cannot get into the master room."

"It's fine. Leave that one out."

"Are you sure he's not going to get mad at you?"

Lena smiled. "Nah… He's just going to build a stronger wall next time so I don't go through his stuff."

Lena did not want to dive into Gary's private life but she needed his technology. She will keep his master room lock and untouched. She really just needed his computer room. Noah and James were skillful enough to able to use those type of stuff that Lena doesn't know.

There was a light knock on the door and the door opened. Kris walked in with Keso. He was holding a bouquet of flowers. Lena stared at him with alarm.

"They are from my mother." Kris walked over and place them along with all the other flowers and get-well gifts. "There's not a bomb in it, I promise."

He walked over to the sofa and sat comfortably on it. His arms were spread out wide and rested on the back. He raised his right leg up on his other knee. "Well, you are the one that requested me to be here. I am a busy man you know?"

"Hello to you too." Lena greeted him. "I know you are very busy. I would have come to you instead but the circumstance does not allow me to. I just want to thank you personally."

"What for?"

"I know you were the one came into the room."

Kris paused and placed both of his feet on the floor. "I only did that to call us even."

"Even?" Lena raised an eyebrow.

"I wanted to harm you before, but now I saved you, so we are even."

Lena laughed in high pitch. "You already apologized for that. You gave me that pearl necklace… Now that I think about it, where is it?" Lena looked up at James who shook his head. He does not know where it is.

"I took it back." Kris disclosed.

"Why? You gave it to me, you can't just take it back."

Kris cleared his throat. "Unless… you put a damn tracking device on it, didn't you." Lena snapped. She turned away and scoffed. "Wow! I knew it was too good of a gift."

"I guess you can say it saved your life."

"I still want it back." She demanded.

"Is that why I am here?"

"No." Lena calmed herself down. "I once told you that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. But you don't want to be my friend. Be my teacher instead."

Kris raised his eyebrow. "Teacher?"

"Teach me how to take someone's life."

"And why would you think I would make a good teacher?"

"You… your a man who didn't even bat an eye to kill a sweet perfect lovely lady like me. You are perfect for the job. Teach me your ways." Lena's eyes lit up.

"You'll never be able to do it." He quickly denied her offer and stood up to leave.