Vegetable Man

Lena stopped moving after a few minutes. Kris still kept his guard up and put his hold on her, making sure she was not up to one of her sneaky tricks again. After ten minutes, he loosened them a bit but was still holding her down. He closed his eyes and tried to relax. His little brother does not like being squeezed at all from the weight.

He concentrated on something else for another twenty minutes before opening his eyes. He could hear Lena's soft breathing and was sure she was asleep. He carefully lifted her off him and laid her on the sofa. He could feel his shoulder being wet. He did not know if it was her fake tears from before or her drool from sleeping.

He grabbed a napkin from the table and wiped it dry. He tossed it in the trash can. He looked down his bare chest and at the scar she called ugly. Kris put his hand over the bullet scar and laughed. "Russo…"