Steal her man back

Lena continued to look into his eyes. "I promise to help you until you can hug your mom."

Kris smiled back to her. Lena was surprised to see such a genuine smile from him. He stopped smiling and replied back to her. "Just so you know, those who break their promises to me, I personally kill them with my own two hands." Kris pushed her waist up closer to her and smirked.

Lena felt a cold chill down her spine. It is alright though because she knew that she will keep her promise. They dance another round before Lena called for another 10-minute break. Lena fed Gary his lunch and then went back to her dance lessons.

When they were done for today, Tye was really proud of Kris. He told him that this was great progress. "I want both of you to continue the sessions when you go back."

"Hmm?" Lena was confused.