Eat, eat, eat

Kris looked at Lena. He would not mind dinner. He never came up here much. Hugh liked this view too.

"Are you going to cook?"

"Cook?" Lena squinted her eyes at him. "Please, you can't afford my cooking."

Kris lifted his head a bit. 'Can't afford her cooking? Don't tell me she has been charging me for eating her food this entire time?!' Somehow, Kris was not happy to see his bill for last week.

Lena shook her head. "Your house probably has nothing. My house also has nothing. Let's order take out, I'll treat." She got up from the lounge chair. "Stay here. I'll will go call and get Keso too."

Lena excitedly ran down the stairs. She was happy that she was able to make an excuse to stay longer and enjoy the scenery. Which woman does not like such a beautiful view?!