Would you beat him up for me?

"This name… do you know her?" Lena asked.

"Reina? I don't know her personally. I had a few guns made by her though."

"Oh." Lena lifted the gun up and down a few times. "I also want my gun to be made by her."

"You?" Kris smiled. "You will have to work hard then. She is a hard woman to please in order to get her to make one for you."

"I know."

Kris saw the strong determination in Lena's eyes. Lena pointed the gun straight as if she was going to shoot it. Kris walked behind her. He held her arm that was stretched out and put his other hand on her waist.

"Your back and arm need to be straighter."

Lena glanced up to Kris. His face was so close to hers. She adjusted her stance. Kris was stilling holder her extended arm.

"When you shoot, follow through. Never falter back when you take a shot. Aim, shoot and follow through."