Borrow your dog

The next day Lena went to pick up the rings especially early. She planned to deliver it to Eva at lunch. She came to work a bit later than usual. Lena came up to her office holding the box with the rings. Diane quickly greeted Lena.

"CEO Yang is in your office waiting for you."

"Me? This early in the morning... did he say why?"


Lena nodded and handed Diane the rings. She did not want to give them to Andy because she wanted to give to Eva instead. She walked into her office.

"Andy!" Lena went and give the big man a small hug. "Why are you here so early?"

"Why are you here so late?"

Lena laughed and went to sit on her chair. "What's up? I can see that something is bothering you."

"You can tell?" Of course, Lena had been with him for so long to know so many little things about him. "I have a favor to ask."

"Anything for you."

Andy took out a small bag that had the white pill he discovered yesterday. He handed it over to Lena.