Old love

Kris only slept for a bit but it was the best sleep he had in years. He woke up before Lena could find him with her. He closed the door and locked it.

It was still early and Lena went to sleep late last night so he let her sleep some more. He called James to tell him about the situation with Andy staying at Lena's house and how SHE decided to stay over at his apartment instead. James rather had Lena with Kris than Andy.

James replied back that he will notify Diane that Lena would not be coming into the office today. Kris' house had no food and Lena would definitely want to eat something when she wakes up. Kris had also not eaten dinner at all yesterday so he was preparing to go out to go buy some stuff.

On the other hand, Andy woke up too. He had several text messages from Eva asking where he went so early in the morning. Andy texted her back and said he had an emergency at work but he will stay over at her place again tonight.