How to cry

Lena started singing a lullaby but after a while, she forgot the lyrics so just hummed it instead. She continued to hum until she could feel that Kris' was not shaking as much.

She let goes of her hug from him but he suddenly grabbed her hand, not letting her go.

"Kris... I am just going to call Keso okay? I am not going anywhere." She whispered.

He let go of her left arm and Lena fumbled to get her cellphone. She had 10 missed calls from Keso and 5 from James. She had her phone on silent when she was in the party. She called Keso and he picked up after the first ring.

"Did you find him?"

"Yeah, he's with me." Lena replied.

Keso took a deep breath. He lost the sight of Kris when the crowd gathered around. "Where are you guys now?"

"Um. I took him inside a random room to avoid the attention." Lena tried to recall where they were.