Not wearing any bra

Lena opened the door to their room. Obviously, she did expect any 5-star service nor a cleanroom. They just need to stay here for a bit. Lena dropped the bags on the bed and went to close the door. By the time she turned about, Kris was already shirtless and preparing to remove his pants.

"AHH NO!" Her sudden voice made Kris stopped.

Kris was feeling warm. And something heavy down there was itchy. Lena could see that there was a slight bulge from his pants. She blushed. She needed to the adult.

She went to the bathroom and luckily the water was running fine. "Take a cold shower okay? And your clothes are all right here."

Lena pulled the half-naked Kris to the shower and turned it on. He repelled the cold water at first but then it was cooling him down. Lena closed the door.