Beginning of an End

Lena took a shower and knocked out after she got home. She did not even bother to eat dinner, and that was unlikely of her. However, she was just not feeling the appetite to eat.

She woked up to another good morning text from Kris but did not reply. Lena has been ignoring him for a full 24 hours now... he should be missing her right? Lena talked nonstop with him for his trip and then ignored him so he would feel something. People say you don't know what you have until it's gone.

Today, it was the beginning of an end for Madam Yang. Lena did not get out of her bed and instead turned on the morning news. As planned, Mayor Bai was arrested early in the morning. The news continues to replay the car chase the police did to catch Mayor Bai and the police dragging him to the station in handcuffs.

"Mayor Bai, is it true that you are going to get charge for attempted murder?"

"Mayor Bai, is it true that you have been stealing from the people? What do you have to say about that?"